Color knowledge

Knowledge of color

In the colorful and splendid world, color makes everything in the universe full of emotion and seemingly vibrant. Color as a most common form of aesthetics, exists in all aspects of our daily life. Clothing, food, housing, transportation, use, people are almost everywhere, all the time with a close relationship with color.

Human feeling is the beginning of understanding. The objective world of light and sound effect on the sense organs, through the nervous system and brain activity, we have a sense of the outside world and phenomena have knowledge. Color is associated with human sensation (external stimuli) and human perception (memory, association, comparison...). Color sensation is always present in color perception and rarely exists in isolation.

The human color sensory information transmission pathway is the light source, color objects, eyes and brain, that is, people's color perception of the formation of the four elements. These four elements not only make people produce color sensation, but also people can correctly judge the conditions of color. In these four elements, if one is not true or change in the observation, you can not correctly judge the color and the effect of color.

The radiant energy of the light source and the reflection of the object belongs to the category of physics, while the brain and the eye is the content of physiological research, but the color is always based on physics, and the color sensation is always included in the color of the psychological and physiological effects of the reflection, so that a series of comparisons and associations.

The Optical Society of America (Optical Society of America) of the Chromaticity Committee once defined color as: color is in addition to the spatial and temporal inhomogeneity of light in addition to a characteristic, that is, the radiation of light can stimulate the retina and cause the observer through the visual and the scene. In China's national standard GB5698-85, the definition of color: color is the role of light in the human eye caused by the visual characteristics in addition to the image. According to this definition, color is a physical stimulus to the human eye visual characteristics, and human visual characteristics are governed by the brain, but also a psychological reflection. Therefore, the color feeling is not only related to the original color characteristics of the object, but also by the time, space, appearance of the state as well as the object's surrounding environment, but also by the experience of each person, memory, views and visual sensitivity and other factors.

Colors are derived from nature, but mankind has combined the revelation of nature's colors with natural or artificial colorants to make our lives more colorful and varied.

Color Mixing

A: Primary Color Theory

Three primary colors, the so-called three primary colors, that is, any of the three colors can not be produced by the other two primary colors mixed, while the other colors can be mixed by the three colors in accordance with a certain ratio, color science will be the three independent colors called three primary colors.

B: Theory of color mixing

The mixing of colors is divided into additive mixing and subtractive mixing, and colors can also be mixed only after they enter the vision, called neutral mixing.

(A) additive mixing

Addditive mixing refers to the mixing of color light, more than two kinds of light are mixed together, the luminosity will increase, the total luminosity of the light of the mixed colors is equal to the sum of the luminosity of the mixed colors. Color light mixing, the three primary colors are vermilion, emerald green, blue violet. These three colors of light can not be produced by mixing with other other colors of light. And:

Vermilion light + emerald green light = yellow light

Emerald green light + blue-violet light = blue light

Blue-violet light + vermilion light = violet light

Yellow light, blue light, violet light are interchromatic light.

If white light can be produced by mixing only two colors of light, then the two are complementary to each other. For example: vermilion light and blue light; emerald green light and violet light; blue-violet light and yellow light.

(B) subtractive mixing

Subtractive mixing mainly refers to the mixing of color materials.

White light through the colored filter, part of the light is reflected and absorbed the rest of the light, reducing part of the radiant power, the final light through the two light reduction results, such color mixing is called subtractive mixing. Generally speaking, the dye with strong transparency has obvious light-reducing effect after mixing.

Subtractive mixing of the three primary colors is additive mixing of the three primary colors of the complementary colors, that is: emerald green complementary red (magenta), blue violet complementary yellow (yellowish), vermilion complementary blue (sky blue). Mixed with two primary colors, the resulting colors are intermediate:

Red + blue = purple

Yellow + red = orange

Yellow + blue = green

If the two colors can produce grey or black, the two colors are complementary colors. The three primary colors are mixed in certain proportions and the resulting color can be black or black-gray. In subtractive mixing, the more colors that are mixed, the lower the brightness and the purity decreases.

(C) neutral mixing

Neutral mixing is based on the human visual physiological characteristics of the visual color mixing, and does not change the color light or light-emitting material itself, the brightness of the color mixing effect neither increase nor decrease, so it is called neutral mixing.

There are two types of visual mixing:

A: color rotation mixing: two or more colors and placed on a disc, through the power to make it rotate rapidly, and see the new color. Color rotation mixing effect in terms of hue is similar to the law of addition mixing, but in terms of brightness is the average of the mixed colors.

B:spatial mixing: different colors are juxtaposed together, when their projections on the retina are small to a certain extent, these different color stimuli will act on the photoreceptor cells in very close proximity to each other on the retina at the same time, so that the eye is difficult to distinguish them independently, and will produce a mixture of colors in vision, this mixture is called spatial mixing.

Foundation of color

To understand and use color, we must master the principles and methods of color induction. And one of the main things is to master the properties of color.

Color, can be divided into two categories without color and with color. The former, such as black, white. Gray, the latter such as red, yellow. Blue and other seven colors.

Colored is to have a spectrum of some kind or some hue, collectively known as the color tone. In contrast, without color there are no color tones.

No color has light and dark, manifested as white, black, also known as tints. Colored performance is very complex, but can be determined using three groups of special micro-value. One is the color tone, that is, hue; the second is light and dark, that is, brightness; the third is the color intensity, that is, purity, color. Brightness and chroma determine the state of the color. They are called the three attributes of color. The color state in which brightness and hue are combined into a second line is called hue. Some people understand brightness as hue, which is not comprehensive.


When it comes to brightness, it is appropriate to start from the hands of the colorless, because the colorless is only one-dimensional, much better defense. (Figure) The brightest is white, the darkest is black. As well as different degrees of gray between black and white, have the intensity of light and dark performance. If divided by a certain interval, it constitutes the scale of light and dark. There are colored that rely on their own brightness values, but also rely on the addition or subtraction of gray and white tones to adjust the light and dark.

Japan color research color system (P. C. C-S-) with nine levels, Menzel with eleven to indicate the light and dark, both with a series of numbers to indicate the brightness of the rapid increase. Object surface brightness, and its surface reflectivity. More reflected, less absorbed, is bright; the opposite is dark. Only 100% reflected light is ideal white, and 100% absorbed light is ideal black. In fact, there is no such ideal phenomenon around us, so people often take the most nearly ideal white surface of magnesium sulfide crystals, as the standard of white. In the P.C.C.S. system, black is '1, gray tone is 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, white is 9.5. the more to the white, the higher the brightness, the more to the black, the lower the brightness. Commonly, there are seven levels: highest, high, slightly high, medium, slightly low, low, and lowest. In the middle of the nine levels, if you add their dividing levels, that is, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, there will be seventeen brightness levels.

Colorful light and dark, the purity of the brightness, the corresponding brightness of the colorless gray tones to indicate its corresponding brightness value. Brightness is generally labeled using a vertical top and bottom. The uppermost is white, the lowermost is black, and then ranked into gray tones according to the feeling of the hair tone difference level. 'This vertical axis indicating lightness and darkness, called the colorless axis, is the central axis of color stereo.


To be colored is to contain the colored tones, i.e., the groups, yellows, blues, and several other families of colors, and these families of colors are then called chromaticity.

The original basic hues are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. In the middle of each color plus insert one or two intermediate colors, its head and tail hues, in spectral order: red, orange-red, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, green-blue, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, purple. Red and violet, red and violet in the addition of an intermediate color, can make twelve basic color phases.

The twelve hues of the color tone changes in the spectral color sense is uniform. If we further find out the intermediate colors, we can get twenty-four hues. If the spectrum of the red, orange and yellow, green, blue and purple color bands are circled, inserted between the red and purple half-width, constituting a ring-shaped chromatic relationship, it is called the chromatic ring. The basic color phase to take the middle color, that is, twelve color phase ring. Further is the twenty-four color phase ring. In the circle of the hue ring, the color tones are arranged at different angles, then twelve hue ring each hue spacing is 30 degrees. Twenty-four color phase ring each color phase spacing is 15 degrees.

P.C.C.s system of color phase production of a more regular unified name and symbol. Among them, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, refers to its "positive" color (of course, the so-called positive color of the understanding of the custom is not the same everywhere). Positive color with a single capital letter, equal mixing color with two capital letters side by side, unequal mixing color, mainly with capital letters, to the color with lowercase letters. The only exception is the use of blue violet V instead of BP. V is the initial letter of violet, and the letters are coded as markers for the hues to facilitate the correct use of the color and to make it easier for the beginner to remember.

The Japanese use this way of dividing and defining color names, apparently in conjunction with Menzel's ten color phases and twenty color phases. Menzel system is red, yellow, green, blue, purple five colors as the basic color, call it yellow-red. Therefore, P, C, C, S system of twenty-four colors will also be grouped into ten categories,


A kind of hue color tone, there are also strong and weak points. Take the red, there are bright and unadulterated pure red, there are astringent and dry like the residue of the "withered rose", there is also a thin pink. Their hue are the same, but the strength is not the same, generally known as (Sa + ura + lOn) or color products. Color is often used to refer to the high and low, the higher the color, the more pure, the more colorful; the lower the color, the more astringent color, the more turbid. Pure color is the highest level of color.

The degree of color, generally use the horizontal axis. No color vertical axis as a point, in the hue ring a hue direction to stretch out, according to the color degree from low to high for a number of levels, P, C, C, S system will be divided into nine levels, to S for its scale unit. The lowest is IS.

The highest is g S. The closer you get to the colorless vertical axis, the lower the degree of color. There is no color tone on the colorless axis, the color degree can be said to be O S. Away from the colorless axis, the color degree is high, the end point is a pure color, that is, the spectrum of the color of the hue.

Color is graded in this way: according to the brightness of the purity, looking for its corresponding gray tones, divided into nine equal parts (according to the feeling), added to the pure color one by one, at the same time, one by one, deducted about the color of a share. Thus, eight consecutive shades of pure color are obtained. 5 S is deducted 4 / 9 pure color added 4 / 9 amount of gray; ISG is deducted 8 / 9 purity, added 8 / 9 pure color, added 8 / 9 amount of gray. Common division, and nine levels of color corresponds to. With high, slightly high, medium, slightly low, low five levels to label.

Stereoscopic color scale

We put the above in the white light mixing of brightness, hue and color organization, selected from the bottom to the top, in each cross-section of the color scale is the same, the upper cross-section of the color scale on the color scale than the lower cross-section on the color scale of the brightness of the high. Then by the black, white, gray as the central axis, the center and outside, - so that the same column, the purity of the color scale are the same, the outer column on the higher than the purity of the inner column. Then team center axis outward, each longitudinal section of the color scale of the hue are the same, so that the different longitudinal section of the hue of different red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple and other hues from the center of the ring axis of the clockwise order of the column, so that the thousands of color markers organized in a neat way to become a three-dimensional color markers. At present, the influence of the three-dimensional color scale is the Osterwalder color scale and Menzel color scale.

Color representation, Newtonian color ring and color stereo

A, color representation

There are many kinds of colors, the normal human eye can distinguish between the types of colors up to hundreds of thousands of kinds of colors, and with a colorimeter can be distinguished by more than a million kinds of colors. In order to correctly express and apply the color, each color with a name to indicate that this method is called the color name method, the color name method has a natural color name method and the systematic color name method of two kinds:

Natural color name method:

Natural color name method:

Natural color name method with the natural world scenery color method for natural color name method, the use of the natural scenery, plants, animals, minerals, color, for example: aquamarine blue, sapphire blue, maroon, orange, ivory, egg green and so on. Ivory, egg green and so on.

Systematic color naming:

Systematic color naming is based on hue plus modifiers, plus modifiers of lightness and purity. By hue tendency as well as brightness and purity modifiers are more accurate. The International Society of Colors (ISCC) and the U.S. National Bureau of Standards *** with the determination and promulgation of 267 applicable to non-luminous substances of the standard color names (referred to as ISCC-NBS color names).

Two, Newton's color ring and color stereo

Newton's color ring

British scientist Isaac Newton in 1666, found that the sunlight refracted through the prism, and then projected onto a white screen, will show a rainbow like a beautiful color spectrum, starting from the red, in turn, followed by the seven colors of orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.

On the Newtonian hue ring, the sequence of hues and the interrelationships between the hues are represented. If the ring is divided into six equal parts, each of which is filled with six hues of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, and violet, then they represent the interrelationships between the three primary colors, the three intermediate colors, the neighboring colors, the contrasting colors, and the complementary colors. Newton's color ring for the establishment of the later table color system laid a certain theoretical foundation, on the basis of which developed into 10 color phase ring, 12 color phase ring, 24 color phase ring, 100 color phase and so on.

While the invention of Newton's color ring has established a method of representation of the hue relationship of color, the basic attributes of color are brightness and purity. Obviously, the two-dimensional plane is unable to express the three factors, the so-called color three-dimensional, is the model of three-dimensional space with the help of the hue, brightness, purity relationship of some of the table color method.

Color stereo

The so-called color stereo, that is, the three attributes of color, systematic arrangement and combination into a three-dimensional shape of the color structure. Color three-dimensional for the overall color organization, classification, representation, notation and color observation, expression and effective application, are very helpful.

The basic structure of the color stereo, that is, the luminance stage as the center of the vertical axis, up the luminance gradually higher, with white as the apex, down the luminance gradually lower, until the black. Secondly, from the luminance axis outward to make the horizontal direction of the color stage, the closer to the luminance axis, the lower the color; the more away from the luminance axis, the higher the color.

Each luminance stage has a color stage of the same luminance extending outward, thus constituting a certain color phase (isochromatic surface). To the brightness stage as the central axis, the color phase (isochromatic surface), according to the red, orange, yellow, green ...... and so on the order of a radial structure, will form the so-called color stereo.

Color Comparison

Color Comparison

Colors in life often do not exist alone. When we look at colors, we either look at them in a certain context, or we look at several colors side by side, or we look at one color and then another, and so on. The colors seen in this way will change, forming a color contrast phenomenon, affecting the psychological feeling.

1, color contrast

In the state of color contrast, due to the interaction of the reason, and see the color alone is not the same. This phenomenon is caused by a visual residual image. When we look at a color figure for a short period of time, and then look at the white background, there will be a complementary color figure with roughly similar hue and brightness relationships. If the background is colored, the residual image color is mixed with the background color. In the case of juxtaposition of colors, there is an interplay of influences. Therefore, when we carry out color matching design. Should take into account due to the complementary color residual image of the formation of the visual effect, and make the appropriate treatment.

Simultaneous contrast and following contrast

When two or more colors and color matching, the two adjacent colors will affect each other, this contrast is called simultaneous contrast. The contrast effect is mainly: in the hue, each other's complementary color to the other side of the color, the closer the two colors to the complementary color, the stronger the contrast; in the brightness, the higher the brightness of the higher, the lower the brightness of the lower; the closer to the intersection of the line, the stronger the impact, and cause the color leakage phenomenon.

When you look at a color and then look at a color, you will add the complementary color of the former color to the latter color, this contrast is called the successive contrast. For example, when looking at green and then looking at yellow, the yellow has a bright red color.

Edge contrast

Two colors contrast, in the two colors of the edge part of the contrast effect is the strongest, this phenomenon is called edge contrast. This phenomenon is called edge contrast. Especially when the two colors are complementary to each other, the contrast is even stronger.

As shown in the figure, red and green are complementary colors, forming a strong contrast, the edges of the two colors feel with a kind of dazzling edge, in fact, there is no edge. This is the illusion created by the strong contrast.

To moderate this contrast in the design is usually used gradient, add white edges, or add shadows and other methods.

Color contrast

In the three attributes of color hue differences in the formation of the main contrast is called hue contrast.

Luminance Contrast

The contrast formed by the difference in luminance among the three attributes of color is called luminance contrast. A higher luminance will appear brighter and a lower luminance will appear darker. For example, a color of the same luminance will appear darker on a white background and brighter on a black background.

Purity contrast

The contrast formed by the difference in purity among the three attributes of color is called purity contrast. The same purity of color, in almost equal brightness, equal hue but different purity of the two colors on the background, in the low purity of the background color will appear more bright, while in the high purity of the background color will appear gray.

The above contrast in the actual application of the existence of a separate case is relatively small, often two or more kinds of contrast at the same time, just different strengths and weaknesses of the primary and secondary only. Simultaneous contrast

The result is that the adjacent color changes the original nature of the adjacent color with the complementary color of light.

For example: the same gray color glows brightly on a black background and darkens on a white background.

The same black is greenish-gray on a red background, reddish-gray on a green background, reddish-gray on a green background, yellowish-gray on a violet background, violet-gray on a yellow background.

The same gray on a red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, and violet background are all slightly tinged with the complementary taste of the background color red and violet juxtaposed, red tends to be orange, and violet tends to be blue. Adjacent colors are inclined to push each other in the direction of their complementary colors Red and green juxtaposed, red feels more red, green feels more green.

Color contrast at the same time, more obvious at the junction, this phenomenon is also known as edge contrast. Now the law of simultaneous color contrast is summarized as follows:

1, bright colors and dark colors adjacent to the brighter, darker darker; gray and colorful juxtaposition, more colorful gray more grey; cold and warm color juxtaposition, colder and warmer cold, warmer warmer. 2, different color phase adjacent to each other, are inclined to push each other to their own complementary color. 3, complementary color adjacent to each other, due to the strong contrast effect, each of them increase the complementary color light, the sharpness of the color is also increased at the same time. 4, the simultaneous contrast effect, with the increase in purity increases, at the same time, adjacent to the junction of that is the edge of the part of the most obvious. 5, the simultaneous contrast effect can be produced only in the color adjacent to each other, which is the most striking effect of a color surrounded by the other color.

Methods to strengthen the effect of simultaneous contrast: (1) increase the purity of the contrasting colors to strengthen the effect of purity contrast; (2) make the contrasting colors to establish a complementary color relationship, to strengthen the effect of hue contrast (3) to expand the area of the contrasting relationship, to strengthen the effect of area contrast.

Methods of inhibition:

(1) change the purity, increase the brightness, moderate the purity contrast effect;

(2) destroy the complementary relationship, to avoid the complementary color strong contrast;

(3) the use of intervals, gradient methods, buffer the color contrast effect;

(4) narrowing the area contrast, the establishment of the area of the balance of the relationship.

For example, an orange base with a greenish gray strengthens the simultaneous contrasting effects; while an orange base with a yellowish gray suppresses the simultaneous contrasting effects.

Eaton states in The Art of Color: "Successive contrasts and simultaneous contrasts illustrate the fact that the human eye is satisfied or in equilibrium only when complementary relationships are established." "The phenomenon of visual residuals and the effect of simultaneity both indicate the noteworthy physiological fact that vision requires a corresponding complementary color to balance against any given color, and that if such a complementary color is not present, vision will automatically produce it." "The rule of complementary colors is the basis of a harmonious layout of colors, for by adhering to this rule a precise balance is established in vision." Eaton's "complementary color balance theory" reveals a basic law of color composition, which is a very important guide to the practice of color art. If the color composition is too warm and lack of life, then the choice of complementary colors is a very effective method of color matching, whether it is the stage environment, the color of the characters and the atmosphere of the rendering of the color, or merchandise advertisements and displays, etc., the clever use of complementary color composition is an important means of improving the artistic infectivity.

"Complementary color balance theory" has been widely used in medical practice. According to the principle of complementary visual color balance, hospital operating rooms, operating tables, surgeons, nurses, clothes are generally used green, not only because green is neutral and mild color, more importantly, green can reduce the surgeon due to surgery for a long time by the stimulation of bright red blood caused by visual fatigue, to avoid visual residual image and affect the normal operation.

Color forward and backward sense

Color has a sense of forward and backward is the color designer **** with the issue of interest. Physiologically speaking, the human eye lens regulation, for the change of distance is very precise and sensitive, but it always has a certain limit, for the wavelength of the tiny difference can not be correctly adjusted. Eyes at the same distance to observe different wavelengths of color, the wavelength of the warm colors such as red, orange and other colors, in the retina to form the inner image; short wavelengths of the cold colors such as blue, violet and other colors, the formation of the outer image on the retina. Therefore, warm colors seem to be moving forward and cold colors seem to be moving backward.

The forward and backward sense of color in addition to the wavelength, but also with the perception of color contrast related to the degree of contrast, where the strong contrast of color has a sense of forward, contrast weak color has a sense of backward; expansion of the color has a sense of forward, contraction of the color has a sense of backwardness; bright colors have a sense of forward, ambiguous colors have a sense of backwardness; high purity of color has a sense of forward, low purity of the color has a sense of backwardness. Color forward and backward sense of the formation of the distance illusion principle, often used in painting to strengthen the picture space level, such as the picture background or the sky back far away from the choice of cold colors, color contrast should be weakened; in order to make the foreground or the main body should be selected warm colors, color contrast should be strengthened.

Color expression

Color expression

Whether colored or colorless, have their own expression of characteristics, each color quite its purity and brightness changes, or in different color matching relationship, the color of the expression also changed. Therefore, to say that the expression of the various colors is as difficult as to say that the character traits of each person in the world, however, for the typical character, we can still make some descriptions.


Red is a passionate, impulsive and powerful color, which speeds up muscle function and blood circulation. Because red is easy to attract attention, so it is widely used in various media, in addition to having a better visual effect, it is used to convey the corporate image and spirit of vitality, positivity, enthusiasm, warmth, and forward movement, etc. In addition, red is also commonly used as a warning, danger, prohibited, fire prevention and other marking colors, people in some occasions or objects, see the red mark, often do not have to look carefully at the content, and can understand the meaning of the warning of danger, and can be used as a warning to the public. And can understand the meaning of warning danger, in the industrial safety color, red is a warning, danger, prohibition, fire prevention of the designated color.

Large red is generally used for eye-catching, such as the red flag, a little red in the bushes; light red is generally more gentle, tender, such as: the layout of the new house, children's clothing; crimson can generally be used as a backdrop to a deeper and more enthusiastic feeling.

Red and light yellow match the most, red and green, orange, blue (especially a little deeper blue) repulsive, with milky yellow, gray for neutral match.

Orange Orange

Orange is a cheerful and lively light color, is the warmest color in the warm color family, it reminds people of the golden autumn, fruitful, is a rich, happy and happy color. Orange slightly mixed with black or white will become a steady, subtle and bright warm color, but mixed with more black, it becomes a burnt color; orange with more white will bring a sweet and cloying feeling.

Orange has a high degree of visibility, in the industrial safety color, orange is a warning color, such as locomotives, mountaineering clothing, backpacks, life jackets, etc. Orange can be used as a festive color, but also as a rich color, such as many decorations in the palace. Orange can be used as a restaurant decoration color, it is said that more orange in the restaurant can increase appetite.

Orange and light green and light blue with, can constitute the loudest, most joyful color. Orange has a very comfortable transitional feel when paired with light yellow. Orange generally does not go well with purple or dark blue, which would give an unclean, obscure look. Because orange is very bright and blinding, sometimes it will make people have negative and vulgar imagery, this situation is especially likely to happen in the use of clothing, so when using orange, pay attention to the choice of matching colors and expressions, in order to bring out the orange bright and lively with the characteristics of the palate.

Yellow Yellow

Yellow's brilliant, brilliant, sun-like light, symbolizing the light of wisdom to illuminate the darkness. Yellow has a golden glow and symbolizes wealth and power, it is the color of pride. In industrial color, yellow is often used to warn of danger or remind attention, such as traffic signs on the yellow lights, engineering with large machines, students with raincoats, rain shoes, etc., all use yellow. Yellow in black and purple can reach the unlimited expansion of power under the background, light pink can also be like a young girl will be yellow this proud prince conquered. Yellow and green match, looks very energetic, energetic; yellow and blue match, looks beautiful, fresh; light yellow and dark yellow match looks most elegant.

Light yellow can match almost all colors, but if you want to be eye-catching, it can not be placed on other light colors, especially white, because it will be you can not see anything. Dark yellow generally does not go well with dark red and dark purple, nor does it go well with black, as it can make it feel obscure and dumpster diving.

Green Green

In commercial design, green conveys the refreshing, ideal, hope, growth of imagery, in line with the service industry, health care industry's appeal, in order to avoid eye fatigue during operation in factories, many of the work of the machinery is also the use of green, the general health care institutions places, also often use green for space color planning, namely, marking medical supplies.

Bright green is a very beautiful, elegant color, it is vibrant, symbolizing life. Green tolerance, generosity, can accommodate almost all colors. The use of green is extremely broad, whether it is childhood, youth, middle age, or old age, the use of green will never lose its lively, generous. In a variety of paintings, decorations are inseparable from the green, green can also be used as a leisure color.

Green infiltrated into the yellow for yellow-green, it is simple, young; green infiltrated into the blue for blue-green, it is clean, open-minded. Containing gray green, is still a quiet, calm color, like the forest in the twilight or the fields in the morning mist. Dark green and light green match has a harmonious, peaceful feeling; green and white match, looks young; light green and black match, looks beautiful, generous. Matching green with light red symbolizes the arrival of spring. But dark green is generally not matched with crimson and fuchsia, so there will be messy, unclean feeling.

Blue Blue

Blue is a vast color, the sky and the sea this vast landscape are azure. Blue is the symbol of eternity, it is the coldest color. Pure blue color shows a kind of beauty, quietness, rationality, peace and cleanliness.

Because of the calm nature of blue, with reason, accurate imagery, in commercial design, emphasizing science and technology, efficiency of goods or corporate image, most of the choice of blue as the standard color, corporate color, such as computers, automobiles, photocopiers, photographic equipment, etc., in addition to the blue also represents the melancholy, which is affected by the influence of Western culture, this imagery is also used in the literary works or sensual appeals to the commercial design.

Blue has a wide range of uses, blue can stabilize the mood, sky blue can be used as hospitals, health equipment decoration, or summer clothing, curtains and so on. In the general painting and all kinds of jewelry is also inseparable from the blue.

Different blue and white with, showing bright, fresh and clean; blue and yellow with, contrast, more bright; large pieces of blue is generally not matched with green, they can only penetrate into each other, into the blue-green, lake blue or cyan, which is also intoxicating color; light green and black with, appear solemn, old, cultivated. Dark blue can not be matched with crimson, fuchsia, dark brown and black, because this is neither contrast, nor brightness, only a kind of stolen, messy feeling.

Purple purple

Because of the strong feminine character, in the commercial design of the color, purple is also subject to considerable restrictions, in addition to female-related goods or corporate image, other categories of design is not often used as the main color.

Purple is the shortest wavelength of visible light. Purple is a non-perceptual color, it is beautiful and mysterious, gives people a deep impression, it is both threatening and inspiring. Purple is the hue that symbolizes piety, and when light and understanding illuminate the obscuring color of piety, the beautiful and lovely halo color enchants!

The expression of solitude and devotion in the color purple, and the expression of divine love and the realm of spiritual dominion in the color fuchsia, are the expressive values that the color purple brings.

Purple is in a state of uncertainty between warm and cold, coupled with its low brightness nature, constitutes a negative sense of the psychology of this color. Unlike yellow, purple cannot hold many colors, but it can hold many lightened layers. A dark pure purple becomes a very beautiful, soft color with the addition of a small amount of white. As white continues to be added, many layers of mauve are produced, and each layer of mauve looks so soft and moving.

Brown brown

Brown is usually used to express the texture of the original material, such as hemp, wood, bamboo, cork, etc., or used to convey some of the raw materials of the color of the drink that taste, such as coffee, tea, cereals, etc., or to emphasize the classic elegance of the enterprise or product image.


White has a high-level, scientific and technological imagery, usually need to be used in conjunction with other colors, pure white will bring others a cold, grim feeling, so in the use of white, will be mixed with some other colors, such as ivory, beige, milky white, apple white, in the living products, clothing color, white is always popular main color, can be matched with any color.

Black Black

Black has a noble, stable, technological

Black has a noble, stable, technological

Black has a noble, stable, technological