Guiyang where to recycle used laptop-notebook

Currently, the laptop recycling method is divided into two channels: online and offline.

Online through the recycling platform online valuation, shipping mail, sit and wait for the collection of several steps to complete the laptop recycling needs; offline through the recycling platform online valuation, professional door-to-door quality inspection, face to face to pay several steps to quickly complete the laptop recycling cash.

The next detailed valuation of the recycling process:

One, enter the official website or WeChat small program, to find their own models;

Two, according to their own model configuration, appearance, use and functionality of the tick assessment (truthful assessment, to avoid the assessment of the price of inaccurate);

Three, click on the immediate valuation, you can see how much money is still worth;

four, if you feel the platform offer appropriate, you can choose to door recovery or mail recovery method.

Superior collection order processing is very fast, even if it is mailed recycling, after signing the receipt of 2-3 hours will be able to pay, is currently one of the more popular recycling platform.