How are the supporting facilities around Xiamen Urban Tianyuan Community?

Address of Urban Tianyuan Community: No. 180-200, Haifu Road, Haicang District, Haicang District.

The surrounding transportation supporting resources within a straight line of 1KM include (Haicang Administrative Center, Maqing Road, Haicang Hospital Station, Canglin Road Intersection, Haicang Hospital East Gate, Binhu North Road, Dongyu Village Entrance, Haicang Cang Real Estate, Haicang District Government, Haicang Construction Bank, Shitang), etc.

There are 10 educational resources within 2KM of the straight line (Lu'an Dance, Dongzheng Driving School (Haicang Service Station), Linjia Music Classroom, Blue Sky Education, Quanyou Education (Canglin Campus), Yanmeng Trusteeship Education, McGee Art, Little Star International Education (Haicang Branch), Qizhi Education, Jiaxue Weiye Education), etc.

There are 6 medical resources within 2km of the surrounding area, among which Xiamen Haicang Hospital is 211 meters away from the community, Xiamen Haicang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital is 371 meters away from the community, Xinghui Plastic Surgery is 991 meters away from the community, and Wencuo Community The health service station is 1,349 meters away from the community, Shitang Community Health Service Center is 1,420 meters away from the community, and Yabole is 1,791 meters away from the community, ensuring medical needs.

Business facilities around Urban Tianyuan include: (Tu Naike wall coverings, building materials pedestrian street, six-door insect control, Xingxia Music Piano Shop, National Fruit (Yindu Store), Yuxian Fishing Tackle, Fujian Hai Sheng (Xiamen Haicang Store), Hailan Home (Haifu Road Store), Lehai Supermarket (Haifu Store), Lehai Supermarket (Xinhuayuan Store)), etc.

Click to view more: Detailed information of Urban Tianyuan Community