You can learn about Forms Master, not only can be used as a form tool for online data collection, but first can realize a multi-industry and multi-scenario outbound inbound and outbound inventory system.
How to use the form to build in and out of the management system? Including inventory, store management, material procurement, sales management, personnel office. Give you a demonstration of how to use forms to do a good job of inbound and outbound management.
Almost all companies have the need for asset management, whether it is the company's material management, or personnel, vehicle access control and so on. So, with the form how to build access management system?
Below we use a common vehicle in and out of the scene, to answer one by one.
Design Ideas
Through the scanning code input function, in the vehicle entry/exit form filling, scanning the vehicle code, linked to match the basic information of the vehicle basic information table vehicle basic information, and then submit the entry/exit form, and then through the associated update function, update the vehicle real-time in the warehouse status.
Operating Steps
01. Create a new "Vehicle Basic Information Table" and enter basic information such as vehicle code, brand, etc. The "Vehicle Code" can be entered manually. The "Vehicle Code" can be entered manually or automatically generated by the automatic numbering function of the "Single Line Text" field.
02. Through the QR Code Generator tool, batch generate the QR Code image from the Vehicle Code and print it off to paste on the vehicle.
Tips: If it is the barcode of the goods, then when you do the basic information entry, you can directly scan the barcode for data entry, this step can be ignored.
03. Create "Inbound Table" and "Outbound Table"
Set "Vehicle Code" to check the box of scanning code input, and then use the vehicle code as the linkage condition to set up data linkage.
04. Mobile WeChat access to "Inbound Table"/"Outbound Table", there is a code scanning logo on the right side of the vehicle code field, scan the corresponding QR code to read the code information, and at the same time, other basic information of the vehicle will also be linked to match out.
Click to experience
05. Submit the outbound/inbound registration form, also using the "vehicle code" as the update linkage condition, to realize the real-time update of the vehicle status in the "Vehicle Basic Information Table", so that you can grasp the latest status in real time through the report.