Is it safe to have breast augmentation with implants?

There is a certain risk:

1, breast implants may appear after the phenomenon of periosteal contracture, which is due to the body's normal reaction to the entry of foreign bodies, which is also reflected with different physique, do not need to worry too much, as time passes, it will be automatically eliminated.

2, some of the prosthetic filler after a period of time will occur rupture, infiltration and other phenomena, this is due to the quality of the prosthetic material is not qualified, so to remind the majority of women who love the beauty, must choose the regular medical institutions for treatment.

3, the appearance of redness, swelling, fever, pain and other phenomena, which is any surgery may be induced.

4, the phenomenon of hematoma, which can be effectively avoided by both the doctor and patient, according to the doctor's instructions for post-operative care.