The common methods of rapid and thorough sterilization are

Asked what are the common methods of rapid and thorough sterilization? There are autoclave sterilization, ultraviolet sterilization, chemical disinfection method, gas sterilization method.

1, high-temperature autoclaving method: the method is to be sterilized into a high-pressure steam environment, after a period of time, can be most of the bacteria, viruses, etc., completely destroyed, suitable for solid, liquid or pressure-tolerant equipment or items sterilized.

2, ultraviolet sterilization: the method is irradiated by ultraviolet light on the sterilized material, ultraviolet light can cause DNA or RNA breakage, thus destroying the structure and function of bacteria, viruses, etc., suitable for sterile work areas, laboratory air sterilization.

3, chemical disinfection method: the method is the use of disinfectants will be sterilized, disinfectants can be in a certain period of time to destroy the cell structure and metabolic function of bacteria, viruses, etc., suitable for some sterile areas, medical equipment and goods, etc., sterilization treatment.

4, gas sterilization method: the method is the use of certain gases to sterilize the object, the use of gas is usually chlorine dioxide, ethylene oxide, etc., applicable to the sterilization of intolerance of high temperature or the items are too fragile can not be high temperature sterilization.

Different sterilization methods are suitable for different types of objects or sterilization scenarios, and choosing the right method can be more rapid and effective sterilization. At the same time, sterilization, but also according to the type of items, sterilization methods and equipment, combined with supporting equipment, time, temperature, humidity and other factors for reasonable operation to achieve excellent sterilization results.