Who can buy Pacific Insurance Quality Assurance Medical Insurance? Is it reliable?

Pacific Life has recently launched a new Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance policy called Proton Peace of Mind 2021 Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance. Many customers are attracted to it because of the price and coverage advantages of the previous 2019 version.

So how good is this product coverage and is it worth it?

To get an early look at this product, check out this article first!

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9MzQ2MTc4&title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JUE0JUFBJUU1JUI5JUIzJUU4JUI0JUE4JUU1JUFFJTg5JUU1JUJGJTgzJUU2JTgwJThFJUU0JUI5JTg4JUU2JUEwJUI3JUVGJUJDJTlGJUU1JTg4JUFCJUU4JUEyJUFCJUU5JUFBJTk3JUU0JUJBJTg2JUU4JUJGJTk4JUU0JUI4JThEJUU3JTlGJUE1JUU5JTgxJTkzJUVGJUJDJTgxJUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065797" title="How about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't get ripped off and not know it! " target="_blank">"What about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't be fooled and don't know!

A. How to protect your 2021 Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance

To return to our topic after the understanding, the product essence of the chart first:

Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance

Take a serious look at the coverage chart, and be able to find out that this is a specialized Protecting the proton heavy ion insurance, general medical and critical illness medical insurance is not, let's specifically recognize the content of this product coverage!

1.? Proton heavy ion protection more comprehensive

For you to introduce the proton heavy ion technology in detail: proton heavy ion radiation therapy refers to the use of proton and heavy ion technology for radiation therapy for malignant tumors. As an internationally recognized cutting-edge technology in radiation therapy, this technology is able to accurately irradiate the lesion area, and the side effects on the human body are very small, and will not produce violent adverse reactions.

The number of Chinese patients traveling to Japan for medical treatment grew by leaps and bounds in 2016, with the number of patients exceeding 500,000, five times the number of patients in 2015. Medical treatment in Japan is becoming more and more popular among Chinese people, and it can't be ignored that the technology is more mature in Japan compared to China, and the charges are still lower.

In a comparison of medical standards around the world, Japan has been reigning first in recent years; the number of Japanese facilities dedicated to proton and heavy ion therapy and the level of technology is quite outstanding, so people usually go to Japan for treatment.

According to the analysis results given by the relevant industry, China's introduction of the number of proton and heavy ion therapy equipment is really not a lot, and the existing treatment experience is relatively small, and other countries to do a comparison of proton and heavy ion therapy found that the gap is really not small, which is mainly through the following two aspects:

On the one hand, China's use of proton and heavy ion therapy is not a lot of institutions, and the number of cases is not enough, so China's proton and heavy ion therapy is not enough. On the one hand, there are not many institutions in China using proton reion therapy, and the number of cases is not enough, so the relevant medical personnel in our proton reion centers are very inexperienced.

On the other hand, at present, the performance of China's proton heavy ion center for the treatment of patients in this area is not perfect, or prefer to accept some early, single lesion patients, and most of the middle and late stage lung cancer patients are not admitted.

Currently, a large portion of medical insurance only exists in the domestic proton heavy ion medical insurance, and the amount of compensation is only 1 million, and then look at the quality of peace of mind 2021 proton heavy ion medical insurance, which not only includes domestic specific hospitals in the proton heavy ion technology of 100% reimbursement, but also has twenty-one Japanese specific proton heavy ion medical institutions coverage.

If you are interested in better proton reionization technology, most medical insurance policies on the market will not be able to meet your needs, but this PPS 2021 Proton Reionization Medical Insurance policy will provide comprehensive protection for you.

2.? Poor renewal conditions

The renewal conditions of this PPS 2021 Proton Plus are not very good, and it is not guaranteed to be renewable, if the product is no longer sold, or the insured is no longer allowed to re-enroll after reaching the age of 60. The first thing we can do is to make a simple comparison with some medical insurance policies that do not guarantee renewal, but can cover up to 100 years of age, and we will find that the renewal conditions are even worse, and that this insurance policy is not at all a route to long-term protection.

Renewal conditions are very important, want to prevent the pit, it is recommended to read this article:

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9Mjg5OTg3&; title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JThDJUJCJUU3JTk2JTk3JUU5JTk5JUE5JUU3JUJCJUFEJUU0JUJGJTlEJUU2JTgwJThFJUU0JUI5JTg4JUU1JTgxJTlBJUVGJUJDJThDJUU4JUE2JTgxJUU2JUIzJUE4JUU2JTg0JThGJUU1JTkzJUFBJUU0JUJBJTlCJUU1JTlDJUIwJUU2JTk2JUI5JUVGJUJDJTlGJUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065797" title=""How to Renew Your Health Care Insurance, and What to Pay Attention to What to look for? " target="_blank">"How to Renew Medical Insurance and What to Look for?

Secondly, is it worthwhile to buy the 2021 Proton Heavy Ion medical insurance policy

Overall, the 2021 Proton Heavy Ion medical insurance policy covers only Proton Heavy Ion services, and I don't recommend that you look at this product as the only medical insurance policy. The product is not recommended as the only medical insurance, but at best as a supplemental insurance to the comprehensive coverage of the Million Dollar Medical Insurance.

Particularly in the case of this year's epidemic, which is not yet fully under control, the matter of going abroad for treatment itself has a certain degree of risk, not to mention going to Japan for treatment.

Schoolmates believe that we should pay more attention to some comprehensive protection, value-added services practical million medical insurance, such as these:

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9MzI5MjIx& amp;title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JThEJTgxJUU1JUE0JUE3JUU3JTk5JUJFJUU0JUI4JTg3JUUU1JThDJUJCJUU3JTk2JTk3JUU5JTk5JUE5JUU2JThFJTkyJUU1JTkwJThEJUU2JTk2JUIwJUUU5JUIyJTlDJUU1JTg3JUJUJBJUU3JTgyJTg5JUVGJUJDJTgxJUUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065797" title=""Top 10 Million Dollar Health Insurance Rankings Fresh! ! " target="_blank">"Top 10 Million Dollar Health Insurance Rankings Fresh!

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