101 Cash 5040202 Printing Fee
102 Bank Deposit 5040203 Consulting Fee
10201 Basic Account Deposit 504020301 Office Equipment Maintenance Fee
10202 Migrant Workers' Warranty Special Account Deposit 504020305 Transportation fee
10203 Purchasing special account deposit 5040204 Handling fee
10204 Tax special account deposit development zone 5040205 Water fee
10205 Tax special account deposit 5040206 Electricity fee
10206 Infrastructure special account deposit 5040207 Postage and telegraphic fee
10207 Hocheng Community Revenue Account 504020701 Telephone Communication Fee
10208 Deposit for Comprehensive Agricultural Development 504020702 Network Communication Fee
10209 Cereal and Oil Reserve Account 504020703 Postage Fee
10210 Remaining Users 5040208 Heating Fee
105 Bills Receivable 504020801 Employee Heating Allowance
106 Accounts Receivable 504020802 Unit Heating Fuel Costs
108 Prepayments 504020803 Stove Purchase Costs
110 Other Accounts Receivable 504020804 Heating Costs for Retirees
11001 Personal Receivables 504020805 Heating expenses for retirees
11002 Receivables from units 504020806 Temporary salaries for boiler personnel
11003 Other receivables 5040209 Property management expenses
115 Materials 5040210 Transportation expenses
116 Finished goods 504021001 Maintenance of vehicle materials
117 Foreign Investment 504021002 Rental of Vehicles
120 Fixed Assets 504021003 Fuel Costs for Vehicles
12001 Houses and Buildings 504021004 Vehicle Crossing or Bridge Fees
12002 General Equipment 504021005 Insurance Fees/Operation Fees/Annual Inspection Fees
12003 Specialized Equipment 504021006 Driving Safety Incentive Fee
12004 Artifacts and Displays 504021007 Parking Fee/Car Wash Fee
12005 Books 5040211 Travel Expenses
12006 Other Fixed Assets 5040212 Expatriation Fee
124 Intangible Assets 5040213 Maintenance Costs
127 Fiscal refundable 504021301 Maintenance of office equipment
201 Borrowings 504021302 Maintenance of specialized equipment
202 Notes payable 504021303 Maintenance of public houses or buildings
203 Accounts payable 504021304 Other
204 Accounts Receivable in Advance 5040215 Rental Fees
207 Other Payables 5040216 Conference Fees
20701 Individuals Payable 5040218 Training Fees
20702 Units Payable 5040220 Hospitality
20703 Others Payable 5040222 Specialized Materials
< p>208 Payable to budget 504022201 Specialized drugs209 Payable to financial account 504022202 Specialized materials
210 Taxes payable 504022203 Specialized clothing and labor insurance
211 Payable to salaries 5040224 Labor costs
21101 Active staff 5040225 Commissioned operating expenses
21102 Retirees 5040226 Trade union expenses
21103 Retirees 5040230 Welfare expenses
212 Local allowances and subsidies payable 5040299 Other goods and services expenditures
21201 Active staff 504029901 Advertising and promotion expenses
21202 Retirees 504029902 Indemnities/proceedings/fines
21203 Retirees 504029903 Retirement special needs/activities
213 Other personal income payable 504029904 Membership dues
21301 Active staff 504029905 Specialized operating expenses
21302 Retirees 504029906 Expenditures for Training Courses
21303 Retirees 504029907 Other
301 Career Funds 50403 Expenditures for Benefits to Individuals and Families
30101 General Funds 5040301 Retirement Benefits
30102 Investment Funds 504030101 Retirement Pension
302 Fixed Fund 504030104 Nursing Care
303 Earmarked Fund 5040302 Retirement Payment
30301 Employee Welfare Fund 504030201 Pension
30302 Medical Fund 504030204 Nursing Care
30303 Repair and Purchase Fund 504030205 Transportation Expenses
30304 Housing Fund 5040303 Retirement Retirement Expenses
306 Utility Balance 5040304 Pensions
307 Operating Balance 5040305 Living Allowance
308 Balance Distribution 5040306 Relief Expenses
30801 Income Tax Payable 5040307 Medical Expenses
30802 Withdrawal of Earmarked Funds 5040312 Scholarships
30803 Withdrawal of Utility Funds 504031201 Scholarships
401 Income from Financial Aid 504031202 Scholarships
403 Income from Subsidies from Higher Education 504031203 Student Loan Subsidy
404 Earmarked Funds 504031204 Others
40401 Project Income 5040316 Incentive Payment
40402 Procurement Income 5040318 Production Subsidy
405 Business Income 5040320 Housing Provident Fund
409 Operating Income 5040321 Rental Subsidy
412 Subsidiary Unit Contribution 5040322 Housing Subsidy
413 Other Income 5040399 Other Expenses for Individuals and Households and Compensatory Expenses
501 Appropriated Funds 504039901 Infant and Toddler Allowance
502 Appropriated Funds 504039902 Employee Home Visit Travel Expenses
503 Earmarked Expenditures 504039903 Others
50301 Project Expenditures 50404 Capital Expenditures
50302 Procurement Expenditures 5040401 Purchase of Buildings
504 Business Expenditures 5040402 Purchase of Office Equipment
50401 Salary and Welfare Expenditures 5040403 Purchase of specialized equipment
5040101 Basic salary 5040404 Purchase of transportation
5040102 Allowance 5040405 Infrastructure construction
5040103 Bonus 5040406 Major repairs
504010301 Year-end bonus 5040407 Purchase and construction of information network
504010302 Others 5040408 Material reserve
5040105 Social insurance contributions 5040412 Other capital expenditures
504010501 Old-age insurance premiums 50405 Other capital expenditures
504010502 Basic medical insurance premiums 5040501 Purchase of buildings
504010503 Health insurance premiums for civil servants 5040502 Purchase of office equipment
504010504 Unemployment insurance premiums 5040503 Purchase of special-purpose equipment
504010505 Workmen's compensation premiums 5040504 Purchase of transportation tools
504010506 Maternity Insurance Premium 5040505 Infrastructure Construction
5040108 Catering Subsidies 5040506 Major Repairs
5040109 Other Salary and Welfare Expenditures 5040507 Purchase and Construction of Information Network
504010901 Salary of Temporary Workers Employed 5040508 Material Reserve
504010902 Overtime Wages 5040512 Other Capital Expenditures
504010903 Others 505 Operating Expenditures
50402 Expenditures for Goods and Services 509 Costs
5040201 Office Expenses 512 Sales Taxes
504020101 Newspaper and Magazine Fees 516 Expenses paid to higher levels
504020102 Office supplies and equipment 517 Subsidies to affiliated units
504020103 Photocopying and typing materials 520 Carry-over to self-financed capital construction