The person outside the unit exists in the normal insurance coverage, can not continue to operate the renewal of insurance, how to do this situation

There is no way, this is to prevent the uncontrolled flow of labor state regulations. Only with the original unit to terminate the labor contract, labor relations do not exist, can continue to operate.

1, the broken insurance personnel should first to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the archives center to check whether the original unit has been transferred to the archives center, if not, then to the original unit of the competent authorities to find the archives archives to determine the loss of the personnel to the relevant departments to query the then into the unit of the hiring procedures. The staff of the Social Security Office will help to find the increase and decrease in pension insurance procedures and payment records over the years, re-establishing the file and renewing the insurance procedures.

2. For some insured workers who want to make up for the undeclared pension insurance before the bankruptcy or dissolution of the unit, the Social Security Office will solve the problem of making up for the contributions in the form of individual cases, and after the completion of the contributions, they will be incorporated into the general pool of information. These initiatives have effectively solved the worries of those who have been disconnected, improved the original business information and contribution files of those who have been disconnected, and renewed their insurance procedures after re-establishing the files to ensure that the original pension insurance rights and interests of the insured are not lost.

Additionally, social security is a basic benefit of the state, and it is recommended to have a copy of it. However, the scope of medical insurance coverage in the social security is very limited, medical insurance reimbursement scope, limited amount, in the face of major illnesses, relying solely on medical insurance is still not enough, you can consider in the medical insurance on the basis of the matching of their own commercial medical insurance to ensure that they can get a more comprehensive protection. After all, in the event of a serious illness, many fast-acting drugs or effective surgical equipment can not be reimbursed. These costs are usually more than 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, is a great pressure. If the configuration has a million medical insurance can be directly reimbursed.

Medical insurance, is the agreement between the two sides of the insurance medical expenses, and as a condition of paying insurance benefits, when the insured person is sick or accidental medical treatment, the insurance company needs to be compensated according to the agreement to the participants of the corresponding proportion of the premiums of a kind of insurance. The scope of coverage includes medical expenses, hospitalization expenses, surgical expenses, medical equipment expenses, nursing care expenses, and so on.

But pay attention to the protection responsibility and renewal conditions, renewal conditions, the wider the better, the lower the deductible the better, in addition to pay attention to the value-added services as comprehensive as possible: purchased drugs, quality of self-reinforcement plasma, reimbursement of out-of-hospital targeted medicines, there is support for the medical expenses of the function of the advance payment

Additionally, there is the critical illness insurance, that is, the major disease insurance, in simple terms, if you buy the critical illness insurance, diagnosed with a major disease within the policy scope, then the insurance company will pay a lump sum of $10,000 to cover the costs of the insurance company. The insurance company will pay out a lump sum if you buy a critical illness insurance policy and are diagnosed with a major disease type within the policy scope. Among them, the 28 types of critical illnesses stipulated by the CBI will be covered in the critical illness insurance to enhance the coverage of the critical illness insurance policy.

Critical illness insurance and medical insurance are complementary to each other, with medical insurance being reimbursable and critical illness insurance being payable. It can help us play a vital role when we face a major illness.