One, livable: my standard is the city population of 500-700,000; urban areas are relatively centralized, do not hit more than 30 yuan; there are more than two three hospitals; there is a sizeable business district, leisure places; easy access to transportation; the city's environment is relatively good, no endemic diseases. Rule out: Zhengzhou (too big), Anyang (old heavy industry city, high incidence of esophageal cancer)
Two, Juiyi:
1, you learn is mechanical, only in the industrial city to learn. Excluded: Luohe, Puyang, Zhumadian (no large-scale industry)
2, housing prices, Xinxiang 3500 yuan average price of the house, enough to exclude Xuchang. (Xuchang seems to be a city that lacks water)
Suggest you come to Xinxiang.