Why springs should be tested

Compression springs (compression springs) is to bear to the pressure of the helical spring, it is used in the cross-section of the material for the round, there are also useful for rectangular and multi-stranded steel haunted coiled, the spring is generally equal-pitch, compression springs in the shape of: cylindrical, conical, convex and concave and a small number of non-circular, etc., compression springs, compression springs, there is a certain gap between the ring and the circle, when subjected to an external load when the spring contraction deformation, the storage of deformation energy. The spring contracts and deforms when loaded, storing deformation energy.

Compression springs are generally coiled at equal intervals with a fixed wire diameter. Compression springs utilize multiple open coils to provide resistance to an applied pressure, such as gravity pressing down on a wheel, or a body pressing against a mattress. That is, they push back against the external pressure. Compression springs are generally coiled at equal pitches and have a fixed wire diameter. They can be used in medical respiratory equipment, medical mobility equipment, hand tools, home care equipment, vibration damping, engine valve springs, and more.