Because Johnson & Johnson produces a toner that has caused multiple consumers to develop cancer, Johnson & Johnson a*** is required to pay $14.1 billion in damages after a court ruling. According to U.S. news reports, a Mississouri court formally rejected an appeal of the safety of Johnson & Johnson's talcum powder and found that Johnson & Johnson must be held liable for the cancers of twenty-two plaintiffs. As early as two years ago, the Missouri court ruled that the cancer of these twenty-two consumers was indeed caused by Johnson & Johnson's toner, and awarded compensation of $4.6 billion, and finally after negotiation Johnson & Johnson was willing to bear $2.1 billion in compensation, which means that it needs to pay 14 billion yuan to these twenty-two cancer patients.
And then Johnson & Johnson appealed the ruling, and now the latest judgment has come out, Johnson & Johnson's appeal was rejected by the court, and the original compensation has not changed. Johnson & Johnson has said it will pay that compensation at the end of this year, but Johnson & Johnson has also said it will continue to appeal to the Federal Supreme Court. Johnson & Johnson has always maintained that the product, which did not contain and asbestos, would never pose any health hazard to consumers.
According to the information Johnson & Johnson is one of the world's most influential medical companies, under the products involved in the pharmaceutical industry, the company currently employs more than 100,000 people around the world, and last year's total revenues reached 82 billion U.S. dollars, it is an absolute giant type of enterprise. But in recent years Johnson & Johnson has been hit with a steady stream of lawsuits, with consumers regularly suing Johnson & Johnson, accusing his products of causing them to fall ill.
For example, in 2019, the Philadelphia court bound that Johnson & Johnson needed to pay a fine of 50 billion yuan to a male consumer who appealed accusing Johnson & Johnson's products of causing his own mammary hyperplasia and demanded that Johnson & Johnson pay compensation. In the end, the two sides reached a settlement, and Johnson & Johnson paid more than six hundred thousand dollars in compensation before the man withdrew his lawsuit. The lawsuits in recent years have taken a very serious toll on the Johnson & Johnson brand, and its performance has shown signs of decline.