What is the difference and purpose of SC card, CF card, TF card, XD card, MMC card and memory stick? What is the difference between SC card, CF card, TF card, XD card, MMC card and memory stick?

Flash card (Flash Card) is the use of flash memory (Flash Memory) technology to achieve the storage of electronic information memory, generally used in digital cameras, PDAs, MP3 and other small digital products as a storage medium, so the appearance of a small, like a card, so called flash memory card. According to different manufacturers and different applications, flash memory cards are Compact Flash (CF card), MultiMediaCard (MMC card), Secure Digital (SD card), Memory Stick (Memory Stick), XD-Picture Card (XD card) and microdrive (MICRODRIVE). MICRODRIVE) These flash memory cards have different appearances and specifications, but the technology is the same. MMC Card The MMC (MultiMedia Card) card was introduced in 1997 by Siemens and SanDisk, the first to promote CF. 14 companies joined together in January 1998 to form the MultiMedia Card Association (MMCA), which now has more than 84 members.MMC's Development Objectives MMC is mainly for digital imaging, music, cell phones, PDAs, e-books, toys and other products, and is claimed to be the world's smallest Flash Memory card, with dimensions of 32mm x 24mm x 1.4mm, and is very light, with only 1.5 grams. MMC is also the storage unit and the controller are made on the card together, which ensures the compatibility and flexibility of MMC. MMC memory card can be divided into MMC and SPI two working modes, MMC mode is the standard default mode, with all the characteristics of MMC. MMC mode is the standard default mode and has all the features of MMC. SPI mode is the second mode available for MMC memory cards, which is a subset of the MMC protocol, and is mainly used for systems that require only a small number of cards (usually 1) and a low data rate (compared to the MMC protocol). MMC is designed as a low-cost data platform and communication medium, and its interface design is very simple: only a small amount of data and a small amount of data. The interface design is very simple: only 7 pins! The cost of the interface is less than $0.50, compared to more than $1.00 for both the SmartMedia and Memory Stick. In the interface, the power supply is 3-pin, and data operations are performed using only the 3-pin serial bus (SPI mode adds another pin for chip selection). The MMC operates from 2.7 volts to 3.6 volts and has low power consumption with write/read currents of only 27mA and 23mA. Its read/write modes include streaming, multi-block and single block. The minimum data transfer is in blocks, and the default block size is 512 bytes. CF Card The CF card (Compact Flash) was first introduced by SanDisk in 1994. CF cards are PCMCIA-ATA capable and compatible; weighing in at only 14g and the size of a cardboard match (43mm x 36m x m3.3mm), they are a solid-state product. The CF card is a solid-state product, i.e. it operates without moving parts; it uses flash memory technology, which is a stable storage solution that does not require batteries to maintain the data stored on it. For the data stored, CF cards are more secure and protective than traditional disk drives; they are 5 to 10 times more reliable than traditional disk drives and Type III PC cards, and CF cards use only 5% of the power of a small disk drive. These excellent conditions make most digital cameras choose CF cards as their preferred storage media. CF card supports both 3.3 volt and 5 volt voltage, any CF card can work under these two voltages, which makes it has a wide range of use, CF memory card compatibility is also shown in its Flash Memory storage module and controller combined together, so that the use of CF card external devices can be made relatively simple, and different CF cards can be read and written by a single mechanism, without worrying about compatibility. Different CF cards can be read and written by a single organization without worrying about compatibility issues, especially when CF cards are upgraded to ensure the compatibility of the old equipment. CF cards are supported by a wide range of platforms, including DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows CE, OS/2, Apple System 7, Linux and many kinds of UNIX. The CF card is the worldwide storage industry standard that guarantees the compatibility of CF products and the backward compatibility of CF cards. As CF cards become more and more widely used, manufacturers are actively improving the technology of CF cards to facilitate the introduction of a new generation of small, lightweight, low-energy advanced mobile devices, which will in turn improve work efficiency. CFA is headquartered in Palo Alto, Canada, and its members are entitled to free access to CF cards, CF trademarks, and CF technology details. CFA members include more than 120 companies such as 3COM, Canon, Kodak, HP, Hitachi, IBM, Panasonic, Motorola, NEC, SanDisk, Seiko (Epson), and Socket Communications. And one of the major digital camera production and R&D manufacturers has set up a special organization to work on CF product development. CF cards have the following disadvantages: 1.) Limited capacity. Although the capacity is increasing exponentially, View original post>>

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