How can I tell if there is an electromagnetic field around my computer? My monitor screen turned red, move the monitor a little screen will appear as if the effect of magnetic field influence

All kinds of household appliances electromagnetic radiation hazard review

With the development of the communications industry and home appliance industry, modern people in the enjoyment of modern communications equipment and appliances to bring the comfort of at the same time, but also more and more from all kinds of electrical appliances and communications equipment radiation, people are more and more exposed to a growing electromagnetic radiation in the environment, usually common household appliances are also accused of being the invisible killer of electromagnetic radiation, and the electromagnetic radiation of the home appliance is the indoor Electromagnetic radiation of the invisible killer, and household appliances of electromagnetic radiation harm in fact how much, exactly what attitude should be adopted to view and use of home appliances more and more by the ordinary consumers of home appliances attention.

What is electromagnetic radiation

We usually use electrical appliances and communications equipment, such as television, cell phones in the use of electric and magnetic fields in the interaction of changes in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic propagation process at the same time there is electromagnetic energy to the outside world, this energy in the form of electromagnetic waves through the space propagation of the phenomenon becomes electromagnetic radiation. At present, electromagnetic radiation has become the fourth largest environmental pollution following water, air, noise, and has been included in the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment must control pollution.

Although the current home appliances are different degrees of electromagnetic radiation release, but on the human body exactly how much harm can be produced, there is a lack of real experimental basis, the general view that the electromagnetic field will interfere with the speed of cellular release and absorption of calcium, resulting in the production of cancer cells, and low-frequency radiation is an important cause of human cancers, reproductive disorders, genetic disorders, Alzheimer's disease, amnesia, and the Electromagnetic radiation is the most harmful to children, long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation will increase the chance of children getting cancer.

Radiation intensity of general household appliances

At present, there are international and domestic institutions specializing in relevant research and testing, according to the International Health Organization's publicly available data we can understand the daily use of household appliances in the electric field and electromagnetic intensity.

From the above data, our daily use of home appliances mainly in the industrial frequency magnetic field radiation exceeds the standard, and is mainly manifested in the hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, electric shaver, fluorescent lamps and microwave ovens. And very often several kinds of electrical appliances may be used at the same time, and the strength of the magnetic field between them exists cumulatively in use. In some informal experiments, many people have found the existence of the phenomenon of group radiation, "'group radiation' will make the radiation band is very wide, will increase the resonance between the equipment and the superposition of the radiated energy. When the energy reaches a certain level, the human body is simultaneously exposed to the thermogenic (higher frequency), non-thermogenic (full frequency band) and resonant effects of radiation (when the wavelength is proportional to the scale of the organism)." This also shows that the effects in radiation are far more widespread than is understood.

Scientific use of electrical appliances and electromagnetic radiation

Currently there is no specific standard for electromagnetic radiation of home appliances in China, generally using the international standards, there is no corresponding marking on the product and the indicators to illustrate the degree of radiation of the product, in the purchase of the product is unable to make a comparison of the degree of radiation of the product and to make judgments, the absence of such information so that consumers lack of sufficient knowledge of the product, and also unable to make a comparison of the product, the lack of information and the lack of information and the lack of understanding. This lack of information makes consumers lack of sufficient understanding of the product, and can not make normal protection and avoid radiation in use.

For the radiation damage of home appliances, from the viewpoint of the current domestic academic session and the media's public opinion, the two attitudes are very different. At present, many media articles are also in the electromagnetic radiation as a general explanation of home appliances such as induction cookers, microwave ovens and other products such as the radiation produced by the radiation is considered to be relatively weak radiation, this radiation is much lower than the radiation of cell phones and other communications equipment, that can be used with confidence. And from the academic session of the general point of view, electromagnetic radiation long-term low-dose exposure is prone to health hazards, compared with foreign countries in Europe and the United States, China's population is larger, live more concentrated, the actual public received electromagnetic radiation exposure level than Europe and the United States. Although experts from an academic point of view that the objective existence of low-dose radiation hazards, but it is recommended to a relaxed mindset to deal with the radiation of electrical appliances, to the scientific point of view to use electrical appliances to avoid radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is mainly produced by the coil and motor in the appliance, with the distance increases exponentially, so the best way to prevent radiation is to use away from the appliance, while avoiding the centralized placement of home appliances. Special populations in the use of household appliances to pay attention to the use of radiation protection facilities, and children as far away from the appliances.

Radiation from electrical appliances is a cool killer in the home

Home electricity bills have risen since the beginning of this month, with the rate of increase approaching 7.6 percent per kilowatt-hour. While calculating how to save electricity, do you have a basic understanding of the "side effects" of household appliances?

Household appliances are changing rapidly to improve the quality of life, in the market competition, "innovative" styles in the first rush to launch, many hastily rushed to the market, "new sales" products, from design, manufacturing to the shelves, they actually go through some of the What kind of quality control have they undergone? This, frankly speaking, the average consumer is not quite clear, and the key is, home is full of advanced electrical appliances, can anyone seriously think about the problem of electromagnetic radiation?

Hey, not everyone has a microwave oven at home, but certainly everyone has a TV at home. In addition to TVs and microwave ovens, there are also computers, refrigerators, air conditioners, cell phones, and so on.

Maybe you have heard that many household appliances produce electromagnetic waves of different strengths, wavelengths and frequencies when they are activated. If you use household appliances in an inappropriate way, you may expose yourself to electromagnetic radiation, which can pose a threat to human health.

Lack of awareness of electromagnetic radiation

While it is true that the radiation from electrical appliances is only traceable and will not cause significant harm to the body in the short term, manufacturers have not labeled their products with a radiation index in a certain unit of time while ensuring the quality of their products.

Leigh Ming trading home appliances store manager Zhuang De'an said: "If the manufacturer labeled the electromagnetic radiation index, the knowledge of this area will be more careful to use, but the general do not know exactly what consumers, perhaps not dare to buy. Usually, the manual will have 'please pay attention to' or 'careful use' and other columns, although it is difficult to see manufacturers frankly admit that the goods have electromagnetic radiation, but in the use of the rules, are often cleverly focused on a point."

In manuals, some instruct users to place appliances in appropriate places, while others are more direct in reminding of the need to turn off the power when not in operation. But in no case is there a note that this product has trace amounts of electromagnetic radiation, and it's better to stay away from it.

Electromagnetic radiation is a kind of cumulative damage, there is no way to find out which appliance the victim was exposed to or when, so it seems that no appliance manufacturer is responsible.

"Even if it is obvious that the radiation is emitted by which kind of electrical appliances, even if the complaint to the foreign manufacturers, that layer of formalities will take at least one or two years, and in the local consumer awareness of the electromagnetic radiation of electrical appliances is not enough, there is no such concept, almost never customers care, generally asked to understand is the price and power consumption. "

Thai authorities have banned children from using cell phones since it was confirmed not long ago that cell phones possess relatively serious electromagnetic radiation. The fact that cell phone radiation is quickly attracting attention may have something to do with the fact that it is the closest thing to the brain when it is used.

Electromagnetic radiation can penetrate the human body

Local Motorola public relations manager Chen Hui-ling said: "In fact, the company has long been aware of the problem of electromagnetic radiation generated by cell phones, and has therefore published a manual to guide the safer use of cell phones, including the fact that electromagnetic energy can have an impact on human health when wireless phones are in operation. The manual is written from the perspective of clearing up doubts. However, as far as I am aware, I have not come across any customer complaints, except for the media who have made inquiries to us about it."

It is evident that the nation is still not aware enough of electromagnetic radiation.

The frequency unit of electromagnetic wave is hertz (Hz).

You can never witness this "calm killer", which is colorless, tasteless and invisible.

When the magnetic field of electromagnetic waves oscillates at a frequency of more than 100,000 Hz, it poses a potential threat to the human body. However, according to the international electrical industry standards, electrical appliances leave the factory, are subject to qualified electromagnetic radiation protection test, but, if we put many electrical appliances in the home are centrally placed, and often used together at the same time, then you will be exposed to the risk of overdose radiation.

Overdose radiation interferes with the human ecological clock

The damage caused by overdose electromagnetic waves to the human body has actually been documented in the early years. Between 1969 and 1982, 951 men died of brain tumors in Maryland, USA, which was developing a number of electrical industries at the time, and most of the dead were electricians or electrical engineers. Later, the Texas Cancer Fund sampled patients who had suffered electromagnetic wave damage and found that workers who worked near high-voltage electricity had cancer cells that grew 24 times faster than the general population.

As long as the electrical appliances in the operation of the use of state, it is around the existence of electromagnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation. This radiation has a certain energy and can penetrate a variety of substances, including the human body. According to the validation standards, if not more than 50 microwatts per square centimeter, and the total dose in a day is not more than 300 microwatts per square centimeter, it is still considered safe enough. But the danger is that it is colorless, odorless and invisible, you may be exposed to the accumulation of different electromagnetic radiation every day without realizing it, because the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is slow and indirect, and because of this, it is very easy to be ignored.

If long-term exposure to more than a safe dose of radiation, it will kill (or even kill) human cells in a large area. Electromagnetic waves will also affect and destroy the body's original electric current and magnetic field, so that the body's original electromagnetic mutation. This will interfere with the human body's ecological clock, leading to ecological balance disruption, autonomic dysfunction, such as headaches, fatigue, sleepiness, excitement, memory loss, poor concentration, skin fever, hair loss, palpitations, arrhythmia, blood pressure disorders.

Electromagnetic waves also affect the nervous system of the brain, slowing down the production of melatonin by the pineal gland under the brain, affecting normal sleep. Electromagnetic waves can also harm cell membranes, interfere with hormones, affecting the development of children, women's menstrual disorders, male hypogonadism. Electromagnetic waves also have significant damage to the eyes, it will make the eyes of the crystal clouding, resulting in "electromagnetic cataract".

Computer: low-frequency electromagnetic fields may affect the embryo

People who need to work for a long time in front of the computer should refer to the manual of standardized operating recommendations and keep a safer distance from the computer. It is commonly believed that computer filters can block electromagnetic radiation from computers, but a new report says that such filters are actually not very protective for computer users.

When a computer starts up, it generates electromagnetic radiation, which includes X-rays, folded frequency, ultra-low frequency, and static fields. Fortunately, the vast majority of X-rays are absorbed by the original glass cover on the screen, and the dose that actually escapes and is harmful to the human body is very small. But the computer generated around the ultra-low frequency electromagnetic fields, but will have an adverse effect on the embryo, prolonged exposure to them, it is possible to interfere with the normal development of the embryo, a serious situation, and even cause miscarriage.

When shopping for electrical appliances, it is important to read the manual to ensure safety.

If there are too many computers in the office and you have to face them for too long, you should open the windows often to make the positive ions in the air go out.

Microwave ovens: If the microwave leakage should be away as soon as possible

Microwave ovens emit microwaves, but a high-frequency electromagnetic waves. In the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, it is between the ultra-short wave and infrared. Microwave penetration is very great, it can cook things is due to microwave irradiation caused by the internal molecular high-speed movement of the item, resulting in friction, so that the temperature rises rapidly. Microwave oven in the correct operation under the use of the human body will not have an impact, but if you find that the microwave leakage inadvertently hurt the body, should be as soon as possible away from the microwave environment. In general, if the situation is minor, as long as you leave the contact, the damaged tissues will gradually return to normal. Pregnant women and children should try to stay away from microwave ovens.

TV: less negative oxygen ions can cause discomfort

When watching TV, it is really not too close. Too close to more than just harm the eyes, when the TV tube is activated, its negative pole will send out high-energy electron beams. These electron beams hit the fluorescent material on the inside of the screen so hard that the image appears on the screen, but at the same time this produces penetrating X-rays of radiation.

It's a good idea to limit the amount of time you watch TV. If you're going to watch for a long time, remember to leave the set at least once an hour. Sit at least two meters away from the TV, and it is best to install a protective screen, the TV screen display image will also release a large number of positive ions, they are like magnets to adsorb negative oxygen ions around the air, so that the negative oxygen ions in the indoor air is greatly reduced. Long-term in the lack of negative oxygen ions in the state, people are prone to headaches, chest tightness and loss of appetite, the kind of long time to watch TV people, should pay attention to indoor air circulation at the same time.

Mobile phone: security will be the future selling point

Mobile phones have long been popular, and now almost everyone has one. Cell phones are operated by ultra-short wave (UHW) bands, and the effect of such UHW is greater than that of a microwave oven. When a person is subjected to ultra-short-wave frequency uncontrolled radiation, will produce fatigue, headache, and if after many repetitions of inertia radiation, it is likely to lead to electromagnetic waves caused by disability cataracts.

Laurence Charley, vice chairman of the British Medical Surveillance Organization, warned long-time cell phone users, "Unless it is really necessary, you should avoid cell phones and use regular phones instead, and when it is unavoidable, you should keep your cell phone a little farther away from your brain." Short waves are more lethal and invisible. The U.S. Pharmaceutical Agency has found this: many of those highway cops who use radio shortwave detectors to determine the speed of their cars have tumors. But whether the ultra-short waves from cell phones are strong enough to cause cancer is still being debated.

German experts have also found that cell phones that emit more than 5 watts of radiation may affect your health, and that children's habit of grabbing a cell phone and dialing it is a cause for concern. But because the cell phone is now too many brands, the performance of each and the amount of radiation through the inconsistent, generally from 2 to 8 watts ranging from their real safety index, is still to be verified. It has been predicted that the future of cell phones in the market, the strategic point, will no longer be the style competition or battery life of the length, but will focus on the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the cell phone on the lowest level of safety.

In fact, in addition to the above daily appliances, any equipped with electronic, scanning function, radar function, vacuum tube appliances, in the operation of the power, will send out different degrees of electromagnetic radiation.

Modern city, life is often encountered power, it is difficult to avoid around from natural or from man-made electromagnetic waves, therefore, the only way to minimize the chance of waves, is the best policy.

Preventing electromagnetic radiation

-Don't put household appliances together.

-If you have an application manual, follow the instructions and keep a safe operating distance.

-In any case, try to avoid prolonged operation.

-Maintain air circulation in the room.

-When the appliance is not in use, it is better to turn off the power than to leave it on standby,

in the long run, this will not only save electricity, but perhaps reduce the accumulation of trace radiation


Electromagnetic radiation and human health

The development of modern electronic technology has created a huge material civilization for mankind, and has also brought mankind into an environment full of man-made electromagnetic radiation. As electromagnetic radiation jeopardizes human health. It has become the fourth largest environmental pollution after water, air, noise, and has been included in the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment must control pollution. China's environmental protection department has also been formally informed on May 7, 1999 press: electromagnetic radiation on the organism (human body) is harmful.

The harm of electromagnetic waves on the human body is divided into three kinds:

1, leading to all or part of the human body temperature rise in the macro-thermogenic effect.

2, only the human organ cells or part of the lesions of the microscopic thermogenic effect.

3, electromagnetic wave of the electric or magnetic field and the human body tissues and cells caused by the non-thermal effect.

The macro-thermogenic effect of electromagnetic wave power density in 10mW/cm2; micro-thermogenic effect in 1mW-10mW/cm2; shallow thermal effect in 1mW/cm2 below.

Electromagnetic wave damage to the human body is mainly decent in the following aspects:

1, macro-thermogenic effect, can cause irreversible damage to human tissues or organs, such as: eye cataracts, male infertility: when the power of 1,000W of microwave irradiation directly to the person, can be in a few seconds to cause human death.

2, high-frequency weak electromagnetic fields on the human body should be reflected in the following aspects of non-thermal effects:

Nervous system - the human body repeatedly subjected to electromagnetic radiation, the central nervous system and other aspects of the function changes. Such as conditioned reflexive activity is inhibited, bradycardia, lower blood pressure, localized blood-ventricular conduction block, dyspepsia and so on.

Sensory system -- low-intensity electromagnetic radiation, can make a person's sense of smell function decline, when a person's head is irradiated by low-frequency low-power acoustic pulse, in order to make a person to hear as if the machine is ringing, insects or birds chirping sound.

Immune system -- some people in China initially observed that long-term exposure to low-intensity microwave people and normal people of the same age, compared to its body fluids and cellular immunity indicators in the immunoglobulin 1gG decreased, T-cell wreaths and lymphocyte conversion rate of the product of the decrease, so that the human body's ability to reduce the body fluids and cellular immunity.

Endocrine system--Low-intensity microwave radiation can make the human thalamus--pituitary--adrenal dysfunction; CRT, ACTH activity increases, endocrine function is significantly affected.

Genetic effects - microwave can damage chromosomes. Animal experiments have found; with 195MHz, 2.45GHz and 96Hz microwave irradiation rats, will be in 4-12% of the spermatogonial cell bone formation of chromosomal defects in rats can inherit such defects, chromosomal defects can be caused by the injured mentally retarded, shortening the average life expectancy.

So, what are the sources of electromagnetic pollution around us? In addition to some industrial, military, scientific, medical aspects of large-scale radio frequency equipment, in our daily life, the largest source of electromagnetic pollution is cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, VCDs, televisions, etc., especially computers, which produces electromagnetic radiation on the human body has the greatest impact, the reasons are:

(1) people in front of the computer for a long time;

(2) the display screen away from the distance between people close, usually about 30cm.

The frequency of these radiations are below 100 kHz, it is a non-thermal effect on human health effects belong to this category. 1998 World Health Organization (WTO) in the latest revision of the computer screen and workers' health problems pointed out that: in the computer screen work environment, some factors may affect the outcome of pregnancy. So who is affected and how?

The first affected is the male, long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation, may make the male sperm count decrease, so that the sperm genetic deformities and may become infertile or teratology, according to a research andrology professor said: 10 years ago, the sperm count of more than 100 million per milliliter of the male is very common, and now a year can not be touched by a, every milliliter, six, seven million even if it is a lot. Medical science believes that the normal value of sperm is 60 million to 150 million per milliliter, less than 60 million per milliliter is very difficult to get pregnant, followed by pregnant women, there are reports that in front of the computer working 20 hours a week more than the probability of birth of pregnant women with deformities than ordinary pregnant women to be higher than the probability of 2-3 times, and the probability of having a girl is large.

In the face of this major eugenic problem, we must attach great importance to the slightest carelessness, may cause irreparable losses to the family and and society. In order to the country, the nation, the twenty-first century generation responsible for the new generation, we have the responsibility to start from the prevention of adolescents, many adolescents like to indulge in game consoles, computers. They should be more special care, it is recommended that parents who have the conditions should be equipped with shielding clothes, pants. For unmarried young men and women, it is even more important to pay great attention to preventing the problem before it occurs. As for the newlyweds, they should save for a rainy day. Before the woman is pregnant, pay attention to the electromagnetic pollution prevention. Specific practice is the couple on the plane before wearing protective clothing with electromagnetic radiation function. Once pregnant, the conditions, the woman temporarily left the computer in front of the post, can not be transferred away from, then put on the anti-electromagnetic radiation protective clothing.