China's medical device classification is in accordance with the degree of risk from low to high level is divided into three levels, the production and sale of different administrative licensing authority required:
A medical device is a low-risk, the implementation of routine management can ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medical device, such as scalpels, surgical scissors, manual beds, medical ice packs, cooling pads and so on.
The products and production activities by the location of the municipal food and drug regulatory authorities to implement the record management, business activities are all liberalized, neither permit nor record, only to obtain a business license issued by the business sector.
Two, medical devices is a medium risk, need to strictly control the management to ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices, such as Band-Aids, condoms, thermometers, sphygmomanometers, oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, etc., which are common in our daily lives.
The products and production activities by the provincial food and drug regulatory authorities to implement licensing management, respectively, issued by the "Medical Device Registration Certificate" and "Medical Device Manufacturing License". Business activities by the municipal food and drug regulatory departments to implement record management;
Third, medical devices are higher risk, need to take special measures to strictly control the management of medical devices to ensure their safety and effectiveness, such as common infusion sets, syringes, intravenous needles, cardiac stents, respiratory machines, CT, MRI *** vibration, etc..
Their products and production and operation activities are licensed by the State Administration, provincial food and drug regulatory departments and municipal food and drug regulatory departments in the districts, respectively, and are issued with the "Medical Device Registration Certificate", "Medical Device Manufacturing License" and "Medical Device Business License".
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