Explanation of Terms

Genome : It is the sum total of genes within the cells of an organism or individual. It is divided into nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. The genome includes coding and non-coding sequences

Artificial autoimmunity : A method of inoculating the body with antigenic substances, such as vaccines and toxoid to stimulate the body's immune system to produce specific immunity. This method induces the body to produce specific immunity slowly but maintains it for a long time. It can be used to prevent and control infectious diseases.

Definition of life: 1 , life is a multi-molecular system composed of nucleic acids and proteins and other substances, it has the ability to constantly renew itself, reproduce offspring and the ability to respond to the outside world, the material basis of life is to regulate metabolism enzymes and proteins and storage of genetic information nucleic acids. The problem is that some virus-like organisms are known to have no nucleic acids.

2, life is a protean mode of existence, the basic factor of this mode of existence and the external nature around it in the constant metabolism, and this metabolism stops, life will stop, the result is the breakdown of proteins. In other words, a system with functions such as feeding, metabolism, excretion, respiration, locomotion, growth, reproduction and reactivity is life. The problem is that some bacteria don't breathe.

Functional genomics: Functuional genomics, also often referred to as postgenomics, utilizes the information and products provided by structural genomes, develops and applies new experimental methods, and enables biological research to shift from the study of a single gene or protein to the study of multiple genes or proteins, by comprehensively analyzing the function of genes at the genomic or systemic level. It makes biological research shift from the study of a single gene or protein to the systematic study of multiple genes or proteins at the same time.

Genetic engineering: refers to the use of methods very similar to engineering design at the genetic level, according to people's wishes, mainly in vitro gene cutting, splicing and recombination, and then transferred into the organism to produce the desired product, or to create a new type of biology with new genetic characteristics, and to make it stable to be passed on to the next generation

Peripotent stem cells: refers to the cells with unlimited potential for differentiation, capable of being passed on to the next generation. stem cells that have unlimited differentiation potential and can differentiate into all tissues and organs. In other words, it also has the potential to form a complete individual differentiation. It refers to all cells from the fertilized egg to the 32-cell stage of oogenesis

Cell engineering: cell engineering refers to genetic manipulation at the cellular level, i.e., the technology of rapidly propagating and cultivating new species needed by people through cell fusion, nucleoplasmic transplantation, chromosome or gene transplantation, as well as tissue and cell culture.

The Human Genome Project: The Human Genome Project was proposed by American scholars in 1986, and has been a cooperative research project among countries around the world. Its main research content includes: human genome genetics mapping; chromosome physical mapping; human genome sequence determination

Vitamins: is to maintain the normal function of the body is necessary for a class of trace low molecular organic compounds. They cannot be synthesized in the body or are synthesized in small amounts and must be supplied by food.

Molecular disease: A disease in which a mutation in a gene leads to a change in the primary structure of a protein, which in turn causes an abnormality in the structure and function of the organism, is called a molecular disease.

Immunization: the body's immune system recognizes "self" and "non-self" antigenic substances, and is tolerant to "self" substances

and excludes "non-self" antigens. The physiological process of recognizing "self" and "non-self" antigenic substances and excluding "self" substances.

2. Short answer questions

1. What eugenic measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases.

Answer: A. Carry out premarital examination B. Prohibit consanguineous marriages C. Promote age-appropriate births: the incidence of congenital malformations in children born to young mothers under 20 years of age is 50% higher than that of those between the ages of 25 and 34 years, and the incidence of congenital fool's disease in children born to mothers over the age of 40 is 10 times higher than that of those between the ages of 25 and 34 years. D, genetic counseling E, prenatal diagnosis

F, early pregnancy to avoid exposure to teratogens: such as streptomycin can lead to fetal auditory nerve damage, chloramphenicol can lead to gray syndrome, ionizing radiation can lead to fetal growth retardation

2. Try to illustrate through the cloning of cellular engineering and the cloning of sheep "Dolly" through the normal embryonic development of sheep. What is the essential difference between the sheep "Dolly" produced through cell engineering cloning and the sheep produced through normal embryonic development?

Answer: Asexual reproduction is the direct production of new individuals from the mother without the union of germ cells. The ways of asexual reproduction are: division reproduction, germination, sporulation, and trophic reproduction. Sexual reproduction is reproduction in which a new individual develops from a syncytium. In the case of conidia, sexual reproductive cells are produced from the parent and become conidia through the union of the reproductive cells of both sexes. The essential difference between the cloned sheep Dolly and the sheep developed through normal embryonic development is as mentioned above.

3 What are some of the human concerns about the use of genetically modified foods?

Answer: People's concerns about the safety of genetically modified (GM) food are mainly of three types:

One is whether the new ingredients in GM food pose a threat to consumers, and whether the new substances are hazardous; the other is whether GM technology is harmful to organisms other than human beings; for example, insect-resistant cotton crops are not hazardous to human beings, but the reduction of bollworms will affect other organisms that feed on them, thus jeopardizing biodiversity; the third is that some GM crops are not harmful to human beings, and some GM crops are not harmful to other organisms. Thirdly, the competitive ability of some transgenic plants is very strong, crowding out other original species, which will also threaten biodiversity.

4. Describe the relationship between enzymes and human life?

Answer: In the physiological activities of people, plants and animals, enzymes play an important role, such as food containing starch is often hydrolyzed by amylase contained in people's saliva and pancreatic fluid.

People now know that there are more than 1,000 kinds of enzymes, a large number of industrial use of enzymes, most of which are produced by microbial fermentation, and there have been many kinds of enzymes made of crystals, enzymes have been widely used, such as amylase used in food, fermentation, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and other processes; proteins used in pharmaceuticals, leather tanning, and other processes; lipases are used to hydrolyze fats, wool degreasing, and so on. Enzymes are also used in the manufacture of a variety of organic solvents and reagents, such as citric acid, acetone, butanol and so on.

5. What are stem cells? What are the types? What are the application values?

A: Stem cells are a group of cells with self-renewal, high proliferation and multi-directional differentiation potential, i.e., these cells can maintain the size of their own cell population through cell division, and at the same time, they can be further differentiated into a variety of different tissue cells, which constitute a variety of complex tissues and organs of the organism. Currently, stem cells are usually classified into totipotent stem cells (e.g. embryonic stem cells can be differentiated to form all adult tissue cells, and even develop into complete individuals), pluripotent stem cells (with multi-directional differentiation potential, they can be differentiated to form other tissue cells besides their own tissue cells, such as hematopoietic stem cells, neural stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, skin stem cells, etc.), and specialized stem cells (to maintain the self-renewal of a certain tissue cell, such as intestinal stem cells), and specialized stem cells (to maintain the self-renewal of a certain tissue cell, such as intestinal stem cells). self-renewal of a particular tissue cell, e.g., intestinal epithelial stem cells). The differentiation and proliferation of embryonic stem cells form the basis of animal development, i.e., the development of a single fertilized egg into an individual with various tissues and organs; the further differentiation of adult stem cells is the basis for the repair and regeneration of tissues and organs in the body of adult animals.

6. Briefly describe the main mechanism of aging?

Answer: 1, the cross-linking polymerization of life macromolecules and the accumulation of finger fucoxanthin. 2, the destruction and reduction of organ and tissue cells 3, the lowering of immune function

7, what are the main reasons for the occurrence of cancer?

Answer: (1)External carcinogenic factors

Chemical carcinogenesis: such as aromatic amines, nitrosamines, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, nickel, etc. Physical carcinogenesis: such as ionizing radiation, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. Biological carcinogenesis: such as viruses, parasites and chronic inflammatory stimuli.

(2) Intrinsic carcinogenic factors: genetic factors, racial factors, gender and age, hormonal factors, immune factors.

8. What are the most significant problems and challenges facing human society today? Please cite at least four. ①population problems ②resource problems ③environmental problems ④developmental problems

Three, expository questions

1, briefly describe the cloning process of "Dolly" sheep. Talk about the significance of the development of cloning technology and its impact.

Answer: from an adult sheep to extract somatic cells, and then the nucleus of the somatic cells into the egg cells of another sheep, which has been removed from the nucleus of the egg cells, and ultimately, the newly synthesized egg cells in the uterus of the third sheep to form the Dolly the sheep.

2. Describe the human immune system and its functions. Talk about the methods of artificial immunization and their applications.

Answer: the human immune function has three main lines of defense: First, the skin and mucous membranes Second, the body's bactericidal substances and phagocytes Third immune organs and immune cells

Functions: First, to resist the invasion of antigens to prevent the occurrence of disease to maintain the health of the human body Second, to remove the body in a timely manner of the senescence of the aging, death, damage to the cells Third, at any time to identify and remove the abnormalities produced in the human body

3. Try to take the recent achievements of human beings in using biotechnology in medicine and agriculture as an example to show how the progress and application of technology will bring us.

A: In the new economic era, high-tech information will become an important productive force, driving the development of human society; high-tech bio-engineering as a new force, leading directly to the revolution in agriculture, medicine and health, the food industry and the chemical industry, promoting the progress of the new economy; high-tech new materials as a milestone of the new economy, will reconfigure the material foundation of the new economy; high-tech New energy will make people no longer worry about the shortage of resources, as the locomotive of the new economy, it will bring about the sustainable development of human society; aerospace technology so that people from the embrace of the earth to space, the new economy is also with the development of aerospace technology to take off; marine technology will open up a new economic and social life of new space for mankind; soft science and technology to make people's management more efficient, decision-making is more correct, and analyze the situation more thoroughly

4, try to describe the value of the application of genetically modified technology and the possible harm caused. Answer: 1) have obvious economic benefits 2) solve the problem of hunger of people in developing countries 3) may greatly shorten the crop growth period harm: extensive crop yield reduction; serious impact on the entire food supply; not carried out for a long time safety tests; the production of toxins; the production of unforeseen and unknown allergic reaction to the original; reduce the nutritional value of food or degradation of food in the important ingredients; the production of antimicrobial resistant bacteria; side effects that can kill the human body

5. What are the internal and external factors that cause disease? A: internal factors, including immune factors, neuroendocrine factors, hereditary factors, congenital factors, psychological factors and age and gender factors, etc.

The so-called external factors, refers to the feeling of the outside world (the natural world) of certain disease-causing factors, equivalent to what is now known as parasites, bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc., which are present in the natural world, the invasion of the human body from the outside to produce disease.

6 Discuss what are the main evidences of biological evolution?

Answer: comparative anatomical evidence embryological evidence cytogenetic evidence biogeographical evidence biochemical and molecular biological evidence

7 What are the three major theoretical discoveries and three major technological inventions in the field of modern molecular biology that have been decisive for the birth of genetic engineering? Talk about the applications of genetic engineering.

Answer: three major discoveries: nucleic acid is the basis of the genetic material DNA's double helix structure of the central law

Three major technologies: the specific cutting of DNA DNA's molecular cloning DNA's rapid sequencing;

Genetic engineering applications: 1, gene therapy; 2, genetic engineering drug research; 3, to speed up the cultivation of new varieties of crops 4, the molecular evolution engineering Research;

8. What are the usual methods of obtaining target genes in genetic engineering?

Answer; the construction of gene libraries, from the DNA of the organisms containing the gene by PCR, directly obtained, but also through reverse transcription, obtained from mRNA by PCR

9, try to describe the process of human understanding of genes. Talk about the Human Genome Project and its significance.

Answer; 1). The process of human understanding of genes

Mendel for the first time clearly put forward the concept of genetic factors, and put forward a number of laws of genetic factors to control hereditary traits, but also put forward hybridization, self-crossing, back (test) crosses and so on with the peach of scientific and effective methods of genetic research to study the laws of genetic factors.At the beginning of the twentieth century, Morgan and his students used the Drosophila as the material of the crossbreeding experiments to determine the genes in the The distribution of genes on chromosomes and discovered the existence of chaining and exchanging phenomenon between genes which is also known as the third law of genetics.Avery's experiment confirmed that the genetic material which enters into the bacteria to change its characteristics is DNA.Watson and Crick put forward the double-helix model of DNA to show that the DNA molecule is able to act as the material basis of heredity.During cell division, the synthesis of DNA is: "semi-conservative replication" mode of DNA synthesis during cell division. Later further discovery of the language of genes that is the genetic code envisioned ATGC. the theory of heredity that began with Mendelian doctrine developed into molecular genetics based on the structure of the DNA molecule, so that we have a definitive understanding of the laws of heredity, but at the present time, the theory of genes still exists in many complex situations.

(2). The Human Genome Project

1. Launch: In 1986, the Human Genome Project was proposed to measure the DNA base sequences of the complete human genome

In 1900, the U.S. Congress approved the "Human Genome Project" to invest $3 billion in 15 years

The Human Genome Project is a project of the United States Congress to develop the human genome.

In 1900, the U.S. Congress approved the Human Genome Project, with a proposed investment of $3 billion over 15 years

The U.S.-based project was a collaborative international effort involving scientists from the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Germany, and China.

***There are 6 countries and 16 experimental centers participating

2. Main Objectives

Establish the DNA sequence of the human chromosomes

"Read out", "read in" the entire human genome "Nucleotide language"

Determine the location, structure, and function of genes

Reveal the mysteries of mankind itself: search for the origins of human ancestors, countries, or nations, get out of the misconceptions of the theory of ethnology, trace the causes of diseases, understand the differences in ethnic illnesses, and lay the foundation for clinical diagnosis and treatment

Explaining various life phenomena

Elucidating the pathogenesis of various diseases from the molecular level

3. Significance: The Human Genome Project is a great scientific project in the history of human science, and the sequence of the human genome is the ****same wealth of the whole mankind, which should be used for the benefit of the whole mankind. The Human Genome Project has had a significant impact in the HGP to promote the world's major companies to invest in biotechnology intention to increase dramatically, but also to promote the emergence of new disciplines.