What is KKT Spine Therapy
KKT is a non-invasive treatment for chronic cervical/lumbar spine disorders by correcting the first cervical vertebrae and spinal deviation through non-invasive, non-invasive advanced treatments, restoring the balance of the human body's structure. KKT is a non-traumatic, non-invasive, non-invasive, spinal power-balancing treatment that integrates international high-end technologies. It uses the most advanced computerized diagnostic and non-invasive spinal power balancing technology to treat spinal disorders and restore the patient's cervical/lumbar spine back to health. The new concept of non-invasive spinal power balancing therapy is the result of fifteen years of medical research and clinical application by Optima Health Solutions International Corporation, a Canadian international medical organization. The first cervical vertebrae (cricoid vertebrae) play a very important role in the human spinal structure, as it is the connection between the head and the body, through which the nervous system and blood system pass. This area is very fragile and susceptible to injury, thus blocking the transmission of information from the brain to all parts of the body, so that the blood supplied to the brain can not circulate smoothly, resulting in our head, shoulders, neck will be sore, discomfort, dizziness, headaches and insomnia, memory loss and even abnormal blood pressure and other symptoms; the head's center of gravity shifts, so all the joints below the neck to produce compensatory changes, resulting in a structural imbalance, Spinal deformation, resulting in pain in all relevant parts of the body, disc herniation, nerve compression and conduction obstruction, forming chronic diseases that cannot be cured for a long time. KKT spinal power therapy balanced treatment, through accurate measurement and diagnosis and analysis of the computer system, acts on the first cervical vertebrae through controllable impulse waves to adjust it back to its original normal position, so as to make the head center of gravity return to its original position, the structure of the body return to the balance, and the information transmission between the brain and body return to normal, so as to achieve the goal of "the brain and body", which is the most effective way of treatment for the spine. The system equipment and treatment method of KKT spine therapy