Seek a prescription for the treatment of nasal turbinate hypertrophy (high score!!!)

Drugs such as vasoconstrictors, surgery, and physical therapy can be chosen according to the situation.

Drug treatment: 1. For mild patients, choose nasal vasoconstrictor drops or glucocorticoid nasal spray nasal spray, but should pay attention to the contraindications of the drug and the use of methods, part of the drug is very easy to cause drug rhinitis, it should be used with caution. 2. Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate and the middle turbinate can be treated by local injection of sclerosing agents.

Surgical treatment: general treatment is ineffective, or mucosal hypertrophy, or hypertrophy partially located in the inferior turbinate or lower edge of the inferior turbinate, feasible inferior turbinate partial resection or middle turbinate partial resection. For bony hypertrophy, inferior turbinate mucosal resection is preferred, which can improve the ventilation and drainage of the nasal cavity without damaging the physiological function of the nasal mucosa.

Other treatments: cryotherapy, microwave, radiofrequency ablation and other physical therapy can also be used for treatment.