The role of sewage treatment equipment

We all know that the sewage treatment equipment is composed of many parts, each part, have their own different roles, will affect the effect of sewage treatment, the following Xiao Xiao will come on the introduction of the sewage treatment equipment of the various parts of the role.

1, the role of the grating well is to isolate the suspended solids and impurities in the wastewater, so as not to affect the treatment of the later equipment.

2, the role of anoxic pool: anaerobic pool of water into the anoxic pool to further decomposition of organic matter, ammonia, nitrogen, phosphorus removal of wastewater, anoxic pool of the upper layer of the sediments into the contact oxidation tank, while the sludge through the return pipe into the anaerobic pool, so as to increase the concentration of anaerobic pool to increase the efficiency of anaerobic pool, when the concentration of anaerobic pool saturated after the closure of the return valve, open the flow of sludge thickening tank When the concentration of the anaerobic tank is saturated, close the return valve, open the valve flowing to the sludge thickening tank, and let the sludge flow directly into the sludge thickening tank.

3, the role of contact oxidation pool: when the anaerobic pool of water into the contact oxidation pool of sewage and contact oxidation pool of oxidizing bacteria in full contact with the sewage will be decomposed into CO2, H2O, through the role of the blower will be discharged in the water CO2. The sludge is composed of dead bodies of bacteria.

4, the role of the regulating pool: according to the characteristics of the domestic water supply, the discharge of the amount of water is not uniform time period, they discharge the time period is basically set, morning, noon and night, three time periods for the peak, and the regulating pool can be adjusted by the water supply is not uniform, so that the later post-processing, can be operated normally, the regulating pool in the set up of the level controller, so that the implementation of automation can be effectively controlled.

5, the role of anaerobic pool: sewage into the anaerobic pool, through the mixer stirring effect of sewage and anaerobic bacteria fully combined. The anaerobic pool can decompose the microorganisms and organic matter in the sewage, and produce CO2 methane and other substances.

What is the role of the various parts of the sewage treatment equipment is introduced here, these parts constitute a complete set of sewage treatment equipment, any damage to a part will affect the work of the whole set of equipment, the need to replace the parts in the use of, so understand the integration of wastewater treatment equipment to replace the parts need to pay attention to what is also very helpful.