Does anyone know how to choose a pacemaker?

It is recommended that if the family has the conditions, it is directly on the best leadless pacemaker, small size, no lead without a capsule bag, do not have to worry about infection problems, the operation half an hour to the end of the 2 days can be discharged from the hospital, the recovery is relatively fast, the longest time can be used for 13 years, the postoperative period can also be done to do the nuclear magnetic *** vibration check. Your grandfather is 70 years old, installed this leadless pacemaker surgery is less traumatic, the elderly do not suffer. If you still want to install a traditional one, we recommend that you try to choose a 3T MRI-compatible pacemaker, which can be used for up to 18 years, which is also very impressive. And it is also able to perform 3T and 1.5T MRI **** vibration examination without restriction. However, you should be reminded that 3T can be examined on 3T and 1.5T equipment at will. 1.5T has the limitation that it can only be examined on 1.5T NMR equipment, and at present, big hospitals have few of these 1.5T NMR **** vibration equipments. So no matter which one is fitted with 3T MRI compatible function as much as possible.