Public hospitals is not likely to close down, after all, belong to the state institutions, the most is the merger of hospitals. If a private hospital closes down, the employees can only seek their own way to survive, and find another job for themselves. This situation is similar to the enterprise, the general business closure will compensate employees a certain amount of money. The private hospitals will also supplement the cost of the employees in case of closure.
Public hospitals are based on the need to establish, although it may produce poor management of the situation, such as the many township health centers, there are not many patients, have long been unable to make ends meet, but because of the public service functions of rural medical insurance, medical assistance, even if the operation does not go on, will not be directly withdrawn. Township health centers in the reform of the classification of institutions, is the only one was designated as "public welfare category" of the difference between the institutions, the future is also the object of retention, the reason is that in its public service functions.
Reform of public hospitals above the county level:
Also just cancel the use of the establishment, but at the same time also retained the attributes of the institutions. The purpose of the reform is also just a change in management and operation, not the abolition of these public hospitals. Public hospitals will still receive financial investment, especially for infrastructure projects and medical facilities.
Medical staff, because they are still responsible for public service functions such as health insurance, not only the public service functions such as health insurance will be counted in the performance, in the assessment of salary income accounted for a large proportion, and because of the public service functions, the financial sector will also be given a direct allocation to ensure that the function is played.