Is the torque rheometer the same as the kneader?

Different working principle

Torque rheometer working principle will be measured material added to the mixing room, the material is subject to different speeds, the opposite direction of the two rotor force exerted by the torque module through the torque sensor to measure this reaction force, through the computer software processing, resulting in the torque over time changes in the rheological map. This equipment can simultaneously measure the torque (temperature)-time curve of the material in the smelting process, and explore the differences and characteristics of the material microstructure, macroscopic morphology and processing performance through the subtle changes of the curve.

What is the working principle of the refining machine? Refining machine in the rubber refining process, raw rubber or other materials from the hopper to join, first fall into the upper part of the two relative rotating rotor, under the pressure of the upper top bolt and friction is brought into the gap between the two rotors, by the kneading effect. And then by the lower top bolt of the protruding prongs of the rubber material will be separated into two parts, respectively, with the rotor rotation through the rotor surface and refining chamber front wall of the gap between the wall, where by a strong mechanical shear tearing pinch action, to the upper part of the refining chamber. Under the influence of different speeds of the rotor, two strands of rubber with different speeds converge in the upper part of the two rotors, and then into the gap between the two rotors in the cycle is repeated. In the whole work of the refiner, the raw rubber in the refiner plasticizing, both by the strong mechanical stress, but also by the thermal oxidation cracking effect, so in a very short time can reach the required degree of plasticity.

Different uses

Torque rheometer uses? Composite material matching? design; raw material performance, quality inspection; PVC melt characteristics test; PVC?blends of plasticizer absorption performance test;

Thermoplastic materials, thermal, shear stability test; cross-linked polymer flow and curing? for research;

Polymer processing process design and optimization; ? The design and optimization of polymer processing processes; the design and optimization of metal, ceramics, and other? Organic powder sintering molding material formulation? Design.

Dense refiner use? Mainly used for rubber molding and mixing

However, the design structure of these two types of equipment is basically the same. Both equipments are composed of transmission box assembly, operation box assembly, dense refining assembly, power assembly, operation table assembly, and frame assembly. All parameter settings, system control, data recording? etc. are operated/displayed through the touch screen.