NUTRILITE, health is the future! Nutrilite's 70 advantages 1. Nutrilite is the world's leading brand of vitamins/minerals and nutritional supplements. (According to Euromonitor, Nutrilite was the No. 1 seller of capsules in 2002.) 2. Nutrilite is the only vitamin/mineral brand in the world that grows, harvests, and produces plant materials on its own organic farms and makes them into products. (According to Euromonitor's Global Vitamin and Nutritional Supplement Brands Survey) 3. Mr. Kallenberg's vision for multivitamin/mineral products came from his own personal observations while living in mainland China. He saw a direct correlation between dietary habits and health status. 4. 4. Mr. Kallenberg founded the Nutrilite brand in 1934, producing the nation's first multivitamin and mineral supplement tablets. 5. Needle cherries are the richest in vitamin C in the unripe stage, containing 25 times more vitamin C than oranges for the same weight. 6. the Lakeview extraction plant can produce up to 8,000 pounds of plant material per hour. 7. 1,600-acre Trout Lake Farm in Washington State, which annually grows 70 species of plants and 3 million pounds of high-quality organic herbs, including echinacea and chamomile, on 699 acres (282 hectares) of farmland. 8. Nutrilite owns a 22-acre (9-hectare) plant in Binner, California, 15 miles southeast of Los Angeles. 9. 9. The 23,000-square-foot quality assurance facility at the Binner plant ensures that products meet the highest standards of the company and local government authorities. 10. Nutrilite can manufacture and package up to 100 million food bars per year in the Pennantown facility. 11. The tablet manufacturing department at the Binnerstown facility can produce more than 6 billion high-quality tablets and capsules annually. 12. In the separate packaging area at Binneretown, tablets are manufactured and passed through a final inspection before they are packaged and shipped. This area can package up to 40 million products per year. 13. 13. Millions of people in more than 50 countries take Nutrilite supplements on a daily basis. 14. Nutrilite supplements use only the purest ingredients. It has more than 200 kinds of nutritional supplements, including tablets, capsules, drink powders, snacks and food bars. 15. 15. Nearly 100 scientists are involved in guiding the testing of Nutrilite nutritional supplements, from clinical trials to quality control. 16. The farms that produce Nutrilite Nutritional Supplements adopt strict organic farming methods without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers to ensure healthier plants. As a result, the plants are not only able to resist diseases, but also control pests. 17. Dr. Sam Jenberg, the son of Mr. Carl Jenberg, the founder of Nutrilite, established the Carl Jenberg Health Research Center in 1996, which was later transformed into the Nutrilite Health Organization in 2002. It is a professional research center for research, education and training on Nutrilite nutritional supplements. 18. 18. The town of Ubajalo, located in the Sierras of central Brazil, just 3 degrees south of the equator, has 4,100 acres (1,659 hectares) of fertile farmland for Nutrilite's richest source of Vitamin C, the acerola cherry. 19. 19. 1,353 acres (547 hectares) of farmland in Petaco, central Mexico, where Nutrilite grows many crops, including watercress and alfalfa. 20. Lakeview, located in southern California, has 630 acres (255 hectares) of farmland where Nutrilite grows alfalfa, parsnips, carrots and cauliflower. 21. Lakeview's beverage powder facility produces up to 12 million cans and 120 million sachets of product annually. 22. the extraction and concentration facility at Lakeview, which processes up to 15 million pounds of fresh botanicals annually. 23. The Nutrilite Health Organization's Clinical Investigation Program has sponsored 35 studies, including 26 human clinical investigations in five countries since 1996. 24. Double X is named after the product's initial price of $20, which is expressed in Roman numerals as XX. 25. No other competitor controls the process from seed to finished product like Nutrilite, which is where our slogan "Seed to Finished Product Guaranteed comes from. 26. No other supplement company in the world owns more farmland than Nutrilite and utilizes organic farming to research, develop and produce their own unique botanical concentrates. 27. "Certified Organic" means that our farms have been inspected by independent organizations, and each farm meets or exceeds the stringent standards set by these organizations. 28. Nutrilite's organic farming techniques go beyond organic certification standards to ensure that every Nutrilite supplement is as close to natural as possible. 29. Regardless of the location of the farm, all Nutrilite crops are grown under natural conditions. This means that we renew the soil rather than deplete it of nutrients, and we use natural methods rather than chemicals to control weeds, pests and other pests. 30. 30. Nutrilite uses unique harvesting equipment to harvest only the top few inches of alfalfa where the plant is most rich in nutrients. 31. One of the reasons alfalfa is so rich in nutrients is because its roots penetrate up to 30 feet into the soil, reaching the reservoirs of plant nutrients and limited rainfall, allowing the plant to withstand extreme drought. 32. Nutria's sustainable farming techniques over the past 70 years include soil management, integrated pest management systems, composting and reuse, and putting natural materials back into the soil. 33. Trout Lake Farm is the largest organic herb farm in North America. 34. Earthworms in Nutria's soil assist in supplying the soil with needed oxygen, accelerating the decomposition of plant material plowed into the soil, adding natural humus material, and digging conduits to allow for the diffusion of water. 35. Earthworms can digest soil equal to their own weight every 24 hours, and 1 acre of earthworms can excrete 10 to 18 tons of dry soil through their intestines every year. 36. GMP stands for 'Good Manufacturing Practices'. These methods or standards are set by governmental authorities on the methods, equipment, devices and controls for manufacturing medical devices, pharmaceuticals and processed foods. Nutrilite is committed to applying GMP in all aspects. 37. 37. Nutrilite uses GMP because these standards are part of a quality control system that ensures product safety, clear labeling and high quality. The safety of our customers is our first priority. 38. 38. You may know about GMP standards, but have you heard of another set of standards that Nutrilite follows - GAP, which is Good Agricultural Practices, which ensures that hygienic agricultural equipment and machinery are used during harvesting. This reduces the number of microorganisms on the product. 39. "Petako" literally means "basket" and is made by local people to transport their produce and crops. 40. The Petako farm has completed a cistern and expanded the dam to bring needed water to the local community. Children in the community can now go to school without having to ride a donkey all day to the river to fetch water for their families. 41. The development of Healthy Concentrates involves several steps: 1) growing plants with high nutritional value organically; 2) harvesting the plants when the nutrient content is at its highest; 3) harvesting and processing the plants within a few hours so that the nutrients don't start to run out; and 4) the final enrichment process to lock in the nutrients. 42. Nutrilite's Brazilian farming methods include biomechanics and sustainable agriculture to create "life force". This type of farming integrates forests, livestock, grazing, people, crops and crop management to create a balanced cycle. 43. 43. Nutrilite is constantly improving its crops and has so far selected coniferous cherry trees that produce more fruit with more vitamin C and are more resistant to harmful environmental factors. 44. Through careful selection, planting and harvesting, the natural vitamin C content of acerola cherries has been increased by 30%. 45. One small acerola cherry has the same amount of vitamin C as four oranges. 46. Phytonutrients are naturally occurring in plants, and some fruits and vegetables have natural phytonutrients that also protect the plant from harmful environmental factors. 47. All leftover products from plant processing are recycled into compost, which is poured back into the soil after a few months to become valuable nutrients. 48. Within hours of harvesting, fruits and vegetables can lose more than 20% of their nutrients. 49. Nutrilite can start the concentration process as soon as 30 minutes after the plants are harvested from the farm. 50. 50. Our patented extraction process is one of the things that makes Nutella unique. Excessive temperatures can destroy delicate nutrients. That's why we take special precautions to avoid high temperatures during the dehydration/extraction process. 51. Lakeview's proprietary extraction equipment removes water from plant materials by exposing organic materials to low temperatures for long periods of time, rather than high temperatures for short periods of time. 52. The removal of water in the dehydration stage actually preserves the essential nutrients in the plant cells and keeps them in a dry state without any loss. 53. Nutrilite Extraction Technology extracts nutrients from the plant in a different process to reach the cellulose itself, firstly leaching out vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, and then concentrating and dehydrating them to preserve the phytonutrients. 54. It takes 1,200 to 1,700 pounds of alfalfa to make 100 pounds of alfalfa concentrate. 55. 17 kilograms of acerola cherries are needed to make 1 kilogram of acerola concentrate. 56. Nutrilite utilizes $8 million worth of patented extraction equipment to safeguard the nutritional value of our crops. 57. Nutrilite currently holds 105 approved patents. 58. Nutrilite has so far published more than 150 reports in scientific journals or professional scientific conferences. 59. Nutrilite utilizes a simulation pilot plant to develop new concentrate manufacturing procedures, research new processing technologies, and support the manufacturing of concentrates. Although this simulation pilot plant is 20 to 100 times smaller than the production area, it is the key to our success. 60. Color Layer Analysis is the method used to confirm the benefits of Nutrilite's nutritional supplements, and it is used to confirm the phytonutrients contained in the plants and concentrates used by Nutrilite. 61. Nutrilite employs more than 100 scientists, researchers and trainers. We have the largest team of scientists in the industry. 62. Each Nutrilite farm currently researches and plants at least 5 to 6 new varieties of plants every year. 63. 63. At Nutrilite Health, many of the "biometrics" that measure the nutrient status of plants are being researched under controlled conditions similar to those inside the human body, as obtained through "gene expression analysis. 64. Nutrilite scientists have completed a study on "Gene Expression Patterns in People Taking Nutrilite Echinacea Products" and presented it at the International Research Conference on Modern and Integrative Medicine. This poster paper was selected as the best poster paper of 2002 by the Ossur Prize. This award is usually given to university research, not to an industry player like Nutrilite. 65. At Nutrilite, we press an average of 12-24 million Nutrilite tablets per day and fill 120,000-240,000 product jars. 66. Nutrilite can produce up to 60 billion tablets a year, which translates to an average of 20 million tablets per day. 67. On average, tablets are stored in Nutrilite's warehouses for less than a week before they are packaged and shipped to customers in more than 50 different countries. 68. To ensure quality, Nutrilite conducts more than 10,000 tests every month. 69. Nutrilite has been using the Supplier Certification Program to ensure that all external suppliers meet or exceed GMP standards for product ingredients. 70. Dr. Sam Jenberg believes that direct sellers will be successful if they follow these 6 simple steps to sell Nutrilite products: 1) Use the products yourself; 2) Keep learning; 3) Be a product advocate; 4) Be a friend; 5) Share your knowledge; and 6) Provide friendly service.