Ice packs for II. Medical care methods

The method of ice pack for sprains:

Ice pack, for sports injuries is very important and one of the essential treatment.

And in the clinical work found that the general patients do not know what is the scientific method of icing, so here to tell you about it.

First of all, the principle of ice is to:

Reduce as well as slow down the release of histamine, reduce the sensitivity of the tissue to pain; reduce the microcirculation and the surrounding tissues of the oozing and swelling; reduce the role of the endothelium of the blood vessels and the formation of thrombus; reduce the release of oxygen free radicals and so on.

Many studies have also shown that microcirculatory disturbances and the secondary tissue damage response to them are not apparent within the first 24 hours after trauma. Therefore, ice packs should be applied as early as possible and for a sustained period of time.

In this way, early and judicious application of ice packs can reduce the extent of tissue trauma and accelerate tissue repair.

So how do you do it? Let me tell you about it:

1, site: pain or swelling occurs in the area

2, material: ice and water mixture is best (I love to describe to patients like KFC inside the sale of "ice drinks"), followed by, for example

Ice lollipop, chemical ice packs, cold water, etc.

2, material: ice and water mixture is best (I love to describe to patients like KFC inside the "ice drink"), followed by, for example

ice lolly, chemical ice packs, cold water and so on.

3, time: generally 20-30 minutes each time. (This is generally how long it takes for the ice to melt)

4. Frequency: Every 3-4 hours is a common method.

5. Duration: generally used within 48-36 hours of injury.

Suitable for bruises, combined with hot packs for better results

Should be iced within 24 after a sprain to stop the capillaries from continuing to break down and reduce redness and swelling.

Before and after there is a difference...the mnemonic depends on the situation

Ice packs make the local vasoconstriction, blood circulation is reduced, thus reducing the rate of metabolism of the tissue, inhibit the inflammatory response, which is on the sports injuries or acute arthritis, such as gout, degenerative arthritis of an acute attack, if you can be the first time to use, twice the result. If you miss this time, the inflammatory response has been carried out or in full swing, to ice, depending on the clinical symptoms to decide, not a recipe type "three days before the ice, three days after the heat".

Physiologically, when the temperature drops to twenty degrees, the muscle spindle reflex of the bone muscle will be inhibited, muscle tone is weakened, and pain nerve conduction will slow down or be blocked (low to ten degrees), resulting in an effective pain relief effect. On the other hand, the low temperature will strengthen the collagen fibers (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, etc. belong to), so that the injured muscles, tendons, injuries do not subsequently expand.

Separate ice...don't freeze the skin

The medical profession found that acute arthritis with ice cooling, lower blood circulation, in addition to curbing the inflammatory response, but also more able to maintain the joints of the low oxygen constant (compared to the atmosphere 21%, the joints of oxygen content of only 5%), to provide chondrocytes a better environment for survival, avoid easy carving zero. The medical profession has been paying close attention to whether this discovery is somehow an extension of the antioxidant theory and whether it slows down the onset of degenerative arthritis.

Ice packs should be done in stages, with intervals of at least 30 minutes or more, and it is important that each one does not last more than 15 to 20 minutes. Ice for too long can cause local vasoconstriction resulting in frostbite, or even peripheral vascular disease, resulting in necrosis, and in severe cases, the need for amputation. And joint parts of the ice must be soft, built-in crushed ice and water (each half) of the latex capsule, gently covered in order to uniformly lower the temperature; avoid taking out the frozen layer of hard ice bag, not only can not be effective ice, but also in the joints of the protruding caused by frostbite.

Viper bite when ... Ice method:

When possible, use ice on the injured limb at the same time as tying up, so that the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels contract, slowing down the absorption of snake venom. You can also immerse the injured limb or finger in cold water at 4-7°C for 3-4 hours and then switch to cold compresses with ice packs for 24-36 hours, but pay attention to the warmth of the whole body while lowering the local temperature.

Magical hot compresses...can also cure insomnia

The hot compresses can increase the local blood circulation, which can help to remove the lactic acid buildup or inflammatory substances produced by muscle fatigue, and therefore also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Warmth makes people physically and mentally relaxed, lazy, skin stretching, therefore, chronic, long-term tendonitis, such as lower back pain, neck and shoulder syndrome, overworked tendonitis, fatigue, localized aches and pains, and even insomnia, have quite a relieving effect.

Hot compresses should not be applied at more than 50 degrees Celsius, as the heat transfer from water to air is much better and more uniform. Wet heat, such as hot towels, hot water or SPA, bubble soup, than dry heat, such as electric blankets, warm packs for the best, more penetration into the depths, but also more secure will not burn.

Alternating hot and cold ... sprains the most effective

Some sports injuries after a long swelling does not go away, such as improper treatment of ankle sprains, you can take the "hot, cold alternating hydrotherapy"; first soak in hot water from 38 to 45 degrees for four to six minutes, and then immediately immersed in cold water from ten to fifteen degrees for two to three minutes!

While, ice, heat are home life can be DIY basic treatment, but the ice or heat? How to do? It's better to consult your physician first!