What is the world's most advanced technique for detecting the use of cardiac stents?

Cardiac stenting is a new technique for treating coronary heart disease that has been developed over the last 20 years.

Simply put, cardiac stenting involves puncturing a blood vessel, running a catheter through the vessel to the opening of a coronary artery, using a special delivery system to transport the stent to the site where it needs to be placed, placing and withdrawing the catheter, and ending the procedure. The patient undergoes the procedure under local anesthesia and is usually out of bed 24 hours after the puncture, and the procedure is not complicated. The procedure is uncomplicated and the patient is usually discharged from the hospital three days after the operation.

With a stent, the blood vessel is opened, the original ischemic heart muscle gets blood supply, and the condition is relieved, but it can't be considered that the coronary heart disease is cured, because the stent can continue to "grow" atherosclerotic plaques, which can make the lumen of the blood vessel narrow again. The latest drug-coated stents can reduce the incidence of in-stent restenosis from the original 20% to less than 10%, providing more patients with coronary heart disease with a lifeline.

So, under what circumstances can stenting be done?

Cardiologists agree that as long as the patient does not have a bleeding disorder and can lie flat on the operating table, he or she is basically eligible for stent surgery. Patients with recurrent angina should be seen in the hospital as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the need for stenting after a coronary angiogram.

It is important to emphasize that cardiac stenting, although not complicated, is not risk-free. After all, the patient undergoing the surgery is a coronary heart disease patient, the operation site is a blood vessel on the heart, so coronary stenting is a risky surgery, stenting will be blocked or about to block the blood vessel open, unclogging, but does not mean that the blood vessel or the site will not reoccur stenosis or blockage. In order to prevent the blood vessel from becoming diseased again, you need to take some medications to control the risk factors of coronary heart disease.