What the heck is mes?

mes is an MES system.

MES system is a set of production information management system for manufacturing enterprise shop floor executive level. MES can provide enterprises with management modules including manufacturing data management, planning and scheduling management, production scheduling management, inventory management, quality management, human resource management, work center equipment management, tools and fixtures management, purchasing management, cost management, project kanban management, production process control, bottom data integration and analysis, and top data integration and decomposition, etc., which can help to create a solid, reliable, comprehensive and feasible manufacturing collaborative management platform for enterprises.

MES vendor categories:

1, drawing on the successful experience of foreign automation vendors, backed by the domestic monopoly industry to develop their own advantageous products, such as petrochemicals PCCW, Shanghai Baoxin, Gorelli software, etc., mainly serving petrochemicals, tobacco, semiconductors, solar energy, high-tech manufacturing and other biased process industries.

2, and the mainland market is closely linked to the Taiwan-funded software companies, such as A on the technology, BenQ by deer, the crown consulting, Taiwan Feiguan, etc.; the main service electronics, automotive and other discrete industries.