What are the facilities around Li 'anli Community in Tianjin?

Address of Lian 'anli Community: Lian 'anli (Heping), Henan Road, Heping District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (film and television center, film and television center, North First Ring Road, Wangjiashan, Wangjiashan, farmers' market, Xingfu Road, Disabled Persons' Federation intersection, East Street, etc. ).

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Word Assault, SSK Children's Art Education, No.1 Middle School in Chengguan District of Nanzheng District, Nanzheng County Education Bureau, Nanzheng District Education and Sports Bureau, Yucai Trusteeship, DIY Haochuang Room, Golden Cradle Postpartum Repair Center, Yang Yang Culture and Art Training School, Nanzheng District Vocational and Technical Education Center).

There are 8 medical resources 2 kilometers around, among which the Nanzheng District Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Hanzhong City is 6 1 1m away from the community, the Yanshi Massage Rehabilitation Clinic is 869m away from the community, the Hanshan Central Health Center is 9 1 1m away from the community, and the Nanzheng District People's Hospital in Hanzhong City is 1360m away from the community. Nanzheng County Hospital-Emergency Department Nanzheng Dexuan Rehabilitation Hospital is 1445 meters away from the community, Nanzheng Modern Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine is 1856 meters away from the community, and the Xieshui Town Health Center in Nanzheng District-vaccination clinic is 1937 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Li 'anli are: (Huishe Liren, Yufeng Commercial, Meet Hualvzhi, Aiqin Maternal and Infant Life House (Renmin Road Store), Nomijia Stationery Store, Juxianhui Fresh Chain Store, Lotte Shopping Center, Pengfei Shopping Plaza (Zhoujiaping Store), Bailong Times Square, Trust-Mart Shopping Plaza (Nanzheng Store) and so on.

Click to view more: details of Lianli community.