Radiation treatment sites are divided according to the actual situation

Radiation therapy places according to the actual situation divided into control area and supervision area.

Radiation therapy is the use of modern high-tech computer-controlled advanced radiation generating equipment "Medical Electronic Linear Accelerator", through the control of radiation incidence direction, radiation area of the tumor without surgery, painless, small damage, physical consumption of small effective tumor treatment. There are two types of radiation therapy, i.e., external irradiation and internal irradiation. Currently, X-rays produced by linear gas pedals or a special class of particles, such as protons, neutrons or heavy ions, are commonly used for radiation therapy, which is called external irradiation.

Patients do not need to undergo minimally invasive examinations, but only need to lie on the treatment bed and be treated by the machine. Radiation therapy places should be set up in accordance with the appropriate standards of multiple safety chain system, dose monitoring system, image monitoring, intercom device and fixed dose monitoring alarm device;? Equipped with radiotherapy dosimeters, dose scanning devices and personal dose alarms. Radiological diagnosis and treatment workplace: including radiological diagnosis place and radiotherapy place, the radiation source of these two places may be a ray device, may also be a radioactive source.

diagnostic radiography radiation protection requirements:

1, scope. This standard specifies the protection requirements for diagnostic radiology, including X-ray imaging diagnostic and interventional radiology equipment protection performance, machine room protection facilities, protection and safety operation requirements and its related protection testing requirements. This standard applies to X-ray diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology. Radiotherapy and nuclear medicine in the X-ray imaging equipment with reference to the implementation of this standard.

2, normative references. The following documents are essential for the application of this document. Where the cited document is dated, only the dated version applies to this document. Where a cited document is not dated, the latest version (including all change orders) applies to this document.

3, management requirements. Medical institutions shall be responsible for the protection and safety of radiation workers, examinees and the public, including: the layout of the workplace of diagnostic radiological equipment, the design and construction of the machine room; equipped with a reasonably structured professional staff appropriate to the examination work; occupational exposure of staff should be limited, occupational irradiation dose limits should be in line with the provisions of GB18871, personal dose monitoring should be in line with the requirements of GBZ128 requirements.

Radiological diagnosis and treatment staff for pre-employment, in-service and out-of-work health checks, regular training in professional and protective knowledge, and the establishment of personal dose, occupational health management and education and training files respectively.