Application of computer hardware and software in the medical industry

Applications of computer hardware and software in the medical industry are the creation of information systems and databases.


Computer architecture is a general term for the theoretical components of a computer and the basic principles and theories of computer operation, which are divided according to different attributes and functions. The theoretical components of a computer are not tied to a single piece of actual hardware, such as storage, including registers, memory, hard disk and so on.

Computer architecture is the properties of the computer as seen by the programmer, i.e., the logical structure and functional characteristics of the computer, including the interrelationships between its various hard and soft components. To the computer system designer, computer architecture refers to the study of the basic design ideas of the computer and the resulting logical structure; to the programmer it refers to the functional description of the system.

Knowledge Expansion:

Computer architecture refers to the system structure of software and hardware, and has a two-fold meaning: it is the structure of the system seen from the point of view of the programmer, which is the study of the conceptual structure of the computer system and the functional characteristics of the system, and relates to the characteristics of software design.

System architecture from the perspective of the hardware designer, in fact, the composition or implementation of the computer system (see computer organization), mainly focusing on the reasonableness of the performance-price ratio. The concept of computer system architecture was first introduced in 1964 by Adam and others in order to illustrate and study the properties (external characteristics) of computers as seen from a programming perspective.

Conceptual structural and functional properties, which are the properties of a computer as seen from the programmer's point of view. It includes the representation of data within the machine, how it is addressed, and the operations on that data and the control of the execution of those operations (i.e., the instruction system).

For general-purpose machines, this generally includes data representation, addressing methods, register definitions, instruction systems, interrupt mechanisms, definition of machine operating states and state switching, machine-level input and output structures, and support for information protection.

Computer architecture focuses on the allocation of software and hardware functions and the determination of the interface between software and hardware.Since the 1970s, there has been significant progress in computer software.