Routine blood test is the most common and basic blood test. Blood consists of two parts: liquid and tangible cells. Blood test is mainly to check tangible cells, and generally determine a specific situation of the body by looking at the changes in the number and morphological distribution of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. The number of white blood cells indicates the degree of human resistance. If the number is large, it may be inflammation in the body. The number of red blood cells mainly reflects the blood volume. If it is low, it may be anemia. If it is too high, it may be that the blood is sticky and the blood circulation is not smooth. Platelets mainly reflect people's hematopoietic function, and if they decrease, they may be aplastic anemia, allergic purpura and so on. If it increases, acute and chronic inflammation and acute blood loss may occur. Second, what do you think of urine routine?
Routine urine examination is also a common examination item in hospitals at present. Patients go to the hospital for treatment, and many doctors will also open a urine test list to test first. Routine urine examination includes urine color, transparency, pH, composition ratio, protein content, glucose, white blood cells and so on. The results of routine urine examination can still diagnose many problems, such as the color of urine. For example, normal urine is transparent and yellowish, but if it turns into hematuria, it may be kidney calculi and urinary tract infection. Also, under normal circumstances, protein and white blood cells will not be found in our routine urine examination. If the urine routine test results are abnormal, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
After testing the results of laboratory tests and the oral symptoms of patients, doctors will comprehensively evaluate the results and give symptomatic treatment according to the specific actual situation of patients. With the test results, we can treat the symptoms more accurately.