Regarding the list of bid opening, itemized bid offer form, and detailed bid offer form, seek an expert's explanation

Look carefully at the tender, if he says in the given format, then it must be in accordance with the format on the tender.

Tenders are also known as tender notices, tender notices, tender advertisements, it is the main matters of the tender and the requirements of the announcement in the world, so as to invite many investors to bid. Generally through the press, radio, television and other public media. In the whole bidding process, it is belong to the first use of public documents, is also the only document with weekly knowledge. Tender is the bidder to use the competition between the bidders to achieve the purpose of the preferred buyer or contractor, so as to use and absorb the advantages of all over the transaction in a family of written documents. Belongs to the scope of the invitation to tender.

The so-called invitation to tender, that is, the owner in accordance with the conditions set out in the invitation to tender, inviting bidders to bid, in the bidders to choose the ideal partner in a way. Invitation to tender is a practical instrument used in the bidding process to introduce the situation, guide the work and fulfill certain procedures. Tender is a notification instrument, which provides comprehensive information to facilitate the preparation of bidders in accordance with the information provided in the tender, as well as to guide the bidding process. A solicitation, also known as a notice of solicitation, a notice of solicitation, or an announcement of solicitation, is an informational document. It is generally open through the mass media, so also known as tender advertising, with advertising.

Tender is a kind of instrument to attract competitors to join, it is quite competitive. The tender requires results within a short period of time and hence, again, has a time urgency.