What is the phone number of Shanghai Zhongke Runda Medical Testing Laboratory Co.

Shanghai Zhongke Runda Medical Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. contact information: the company phone number 021-65120325, 公司邮箱wangmei@02rundamedical.com, the company has 5 contact information in the love enterprise search ***, which has a phone number 1.

Company Profile:

Shanghai Zhongke Runda Medical Laboratory Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2017-09-22 in Hongkou District, Shanghai, with a registered address at the 1-5th floor of Building 5, No. 1111 Zhongshan North Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai.

Shanghai Zhongke Runda Medical Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. legal representative Hu Chunying, registered capital of 30 million (yuan), is currently in the state of operation.

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