What does a model service contract look like?

(a) Slimming and beauty service contract

Party A: __________ (consumer's name)

Date of birth: _____Year _____Month _____Membership number: ______________________________Address: ___________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________ Minor Legal Agent: ____________________ Legal Agent Address: _________________________ Legal Agent Contact Number: ____________________ Admission Fee: RMB ____________________ (capital) (non-members are exempted)

Party B: ___________________________________ (name of organization providing beauty services)

Address: ___________________________________ Tel. Person in charge: ___________________________________ Employee: ___________________________________ Party A and Party B agree to handle the matters of the slimming and beauty care contract in accordance with the following agreement:

Article 1 Definition of Slimming and Beauty Care

This contract so-called The so-called slimming and beauty care refers to the non-medical behavior of comprehensive guidance measures implemented by means of crafts, machines, tools, materials, cosmetics, food, etc., in order to maintain and improve the body and the sense of health and beauty.

Slimming beauty programs include:

(a) body shape, weight control, adjustment; (b) skin care; (c) body oil pressure; (d) facial beauty, make-up; (e) hair removal; (f) beauty consulting and its related commodities sold.

Article II Basis of Rights and Obligations

The rights and obligations of A and B regarding this slimming and beauty care shall be in accordance with the agreement of this contract; if not agreed upon in this contract, it shall be in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

The attachments to this contract, Party B's advertisements and the verbal agreements between the parties to this contract are all part of the contents of this contract.

Other special agreements between Party A and Party B shall take precedence over the terms of this contract.

Article 3 Contracting of Minors

Party A shall be fully capable of behavior.

If Party A is a person with limited ability to act, this contract shall be valid only with the permission or recognition of his/her legal representative.

If Party A is an incapacitated person, his/her legal representative shall act on his/her behalf and accept the expression of his/her will.

Article IV: Membership Rights and Obligations

Party A may apply to become a member of Party B if necessary, and its rights and obligations shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Membership Statute (see attached).

Party B shall clearly explain to Party A the types of membership and the rights and obligations of membership at the time of contracting. If the membership card is accidentally lost, destroyed or stolen, Party B shall, after Party A fills in the application form, make and issue a new card without compensation.

Article 5: Explanation of Courses and Subsidiary Commodities

Party B shall fully explain to Party A at the time of contracting the conditions for Party A to accept the implementation of slimming beauty treatment, as well as the items of slimming beauty treatment chosen by Party A, the price, the frequency, the period, the number of courses, the analysis of the effect, the side effects and the dangers, etc., as well as the contents, nature, utility and price of the related commodities that must be purchased for the implementation of the slimming beauty treatment. The contract shall be fully explained to Party A at the time of contracting, and the relevant images shall be provided.

Party B shall keep a record of the services provided to Party A and give Party A a signature to confirm the record, and keep the record for at least two years for checking. Party A may request Party B to provide a copy of the aforesaid record at any time.

Article 6: Enquiry and Disposal Obligations of the Practitioner

Party B shall enquire and confirm whether Party A is under treatment for any illnesses, whether she is allergic, whether she is taking any medication, whether she has any sensitivity of the skin, and any other matters not conducive to the acceptance of the slimming and beauty treatment before implementing the slimming and beauty treatment program. Party A shall inform Party B honestly about the inquiry.

When Party A receives the slimming beauty treatment, if either party finds any abnormalities in Party A's physical condition or in the part of the body where the treatment is performed, he/she shall immediately inform the other party. Party B shall immediately suspend the implementation, and is obliged to take Party A to accept the physician's treatment and other appropriate measures. However, if the cause of the abnormality or abnormal situation of Party A is not due to Party B's performance, Party A shall bear the expenses related to the treatment measures taken by Party B.

The opinion of Party A shall be respected as to the selection of the physician. During the period that Party A is under treatment, the period of the slimming and cosmetic contract shall be extended.

Article VII Fees and Charges The fees for the slimming and cosmetology course under this contract *** shall be RMB __________; the fees for the supplies required for attending the course *** shall be RMB __________, a breakdown of which is provided in the Annex.

Article 8 Payment Methods

Party A may pay the consideration in full or in installments according to the progress of the course.

Article 9 Use of Cards and Vouchers

When Party B uses cards, vouchers or other similar means as a proof of provision of services, Party B shall explain to Party A the manner of use of the cards and vouchers, the content of the services, the period of time for use, the place of use, the number of times of use and the period of validity of the cards and vouchers, etc., and such items shall be set out on the cards and vouchers.

The so-called validity period mentioned above refers to the period of __________ years (months) from the scheduled start date of the slimming and beauty services. However, if A and B agree on another period in the future, it shall not be limited herein.

When the contract is terminated or canceled, Party B shall take back the cards and coupons. Regarding the standard of refund and compensation, the card or voucher, in addition to the original price at the time of contracting, shall also be handled in accordance with the provisions of Articles 10 to 13, 17 and 18 of this contract.

Article 10: Refund Standard for Consumers Cancelling the Contract Before Implementation

If Party A cancels this contract before the implementation of the Slimming and Beauty Program, Party B shall refund the collected fees to Party A within one month according to the following calculation standard. The amount of refund shall be equal to the total amount of the price minus the termination fee.

The termination fee in the preceding paragraph is __________ percent of the total price of this contract (but its maximum amount shall not exceed 10 percent of the total price of this contract).

Article 11 Refund Standard for Consumers Arbitrarily Terminating the Contract after Implementation

If Party A terminates this contract after the implementation of the Slimming and Beauty Course, Party B shall refund the collected fees to Party A within one month according to the following calculation standard. The amount to be refunded shall be equal to the total amount of the price minus the cost of the services received, minus the amount of the unsealed ancillary merchandise, and minus the termination fee.

The termination fee in the preceding paragraph shall be __________ percent of the remaining amount of the total price, less the cost of the services received, and the amount of unpacked ancillary merchandise (subject to a maximum of 20% of the above remaining amount).

The price of the accepted services and the unpacked ancillary merchandise shall be the original price at the time of contracting.

Article XII: Compensation Standard for Arbitrary Cancellation of the Contract by the Operator before Implementation

Party B shall refund within one month if Party B cancels this contract before the implementation of the Slimming and Beauty Course.

Party A has paid the fee and compensate Party A for the loss.

The loss of Party A in the preceding paragraph refers to the percent __________ of the total amount of the gold of this contract (the percentage shall be consistent with the percentage stipulated in Article 10). However, if Party A can prove that the damage it suffered exceeds the above amount, it shall not be limited herein.

Article 13 Causes of Cancellation or Termination of the Contract

Party B may cancel all or part of this contract before or after the implementation of the Slimming and Beauty Program if there are any of the following causes:

(1) Failure to perform the program due to force majeure such as acts of God, wars, strikes, governmental decrees, etc., or causes that cannot be attributed to Party B.

(2) Party A's gender and age do not meet the conditions of Party B's implementation of slimming and beauty care, and is not known to Party B at the time of contracting through no fault of yours.

(c) Party A is unable to complete the program of this contract due to illness or poor health.

In the above cases, Party B shall refund the fees to Party A in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 or Article 11 of this Agreement. However, Party B shall not deduct the handling fee in the case of the first paragraph of the preceding paragraph.

Article 14: Obligations of the operator after termination of the contract

When Party A terminates this contract after the implementation of the Slimming & Beauty Program, Party B shall still have the obligation to provide necessary information or assistance to Party A on matters related to Party A's life, body, or health for a considerable period of time.

Article 15 Mode of termination of the contract

Party A and Party B may express their intention of termination of the contract in writing or verbally to the other party.

When the contract is canceled or terminated in writing, the form shall be referred to the attached document.

Article 16 Guarantee Clause

If Party B guarantees the effect to Party A and fails to achieve the effect agreed by Party B, Party B shall compensate Party A with RMB _____.

Article 17 Change of Consumers

With the consent of Party B, Party A may transfer its rights and obligations under this contract to a third party.

The third party stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall bear all the rights and obligations of Party A under this contract from the time of Party B's consent.

Article 18: Change of business owner

With Party B's consent, Party B may transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Contract to other slimming and beauty business owners.

In the case of the preceding paragraph, Party A may cancel or terminate the contract if Party B does not agree with it, and Party B shall not deduct the handling fee when refunding the fee. If Party A has other damages, Party A may request for compensation.

Article 19 - Performance of Contract

When Party B entrusts the whole or part of this contract to other slimming and cosmetic service providers without Party A's consent, Party A may cancel or terminate the contract.

With the consent of Party B, such entrusted slimming and beauty practitioner shall be regarded as Party B's agent or user in respect of the performance of this Contract.

In the case of the first paragraph, Party A may cancel or terminate the contract in case of disagreement, and Party B shall not deduct the handling fee when refunding the fee. Party A may request for compensation if there is another damage.

Article 20 Confidentiality Obligation of the Practitioner

Party B shall keep confidential and shall not make improper use of the course matters, course records and other related personal information that Party B knows or holds because of Party A's participation in the Slimming and Beauty Course under this contract.

Party B shall be liable for any damage caused to Party A in violation of the preceding paragraph.

Article 21 Qualifications of Practitioners

The beauticians, nutritionists or other practitioners who provide services under this contract shall have legal professional qualifications.

Article 22: Choice of Service Premises

Party A may receive slimming and beauty services at Party B's branch offices.

Article 23: Change of Contract by Consent of Both Parties after Contract Conclusion

Party A and Party B may change the content of the contract by consent after the contract is concluded.

Article 24 Settlement of Contract Disputes

Disputes arising in the course of the fulfillment of this contract shall be resolved through consultation between the parties; they may also be conciliated by the relevant departments; if the consultation or conciliation fails, they shall be resolved in the following __________ ways:

(i) Submission to the Arbitration Commission of _______________; (ii) Suit to the People's Court of _______________; (iii) Suit to the Arbitration Commission of _______________. ) To the ____________________ People's Court.

Article 25 Custody of the Contract in Separate Executions

This Contract shall be executed in _____ copies, and Party A and Party B shall each execute _____ copies, and Party B shall not withdraw it for any reason.

Article 26 Other Matters of Agreement.

Party A (signature): _____________ Party B (seal): _______________ Residential address: _____________________ Responsible person (signature): _______________ ID number: _______________ Residential address:

Telephone or Contract Release/Termination Letter

The contract entered into by me, __________, with your company, (trade name) _______________, on the day of _____, _____, is hereby released/terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Skinny Beauty Contract.

In respect of the amount of RMB _______________ to be refunded to me by your company, please pay in cash, bills or remit to the following bank account within one month.

Bank Branch: _________________________ Deposit Account Number: _________________________ Account Name: ______________________________ Please allow me to collect the unreturned merchandise that I have purchased and deposited with your company.

Original Contractor (Cancellation/Termination of Contract): _____ (Signature)

Address: ______________________________This is to _______________Company (Company)

Person in Charge: _______________ (Signature)

Date: _____ Year _____ Month _____ (II) Medical Service Contract

Party A: ______________________________ Party B: ______________________________ Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a company that provides members with medical information Ltd. is a professional company providing members with medical information and medical service intermediary, the two sides reached the following agreement on the service project:

1. From the date of signing this agreement between the two sides, Party B (or Party B's designated personal service recipients, hereinafter the same) becomes Party A's "health club member" for one year from _____ to _____, from _____ to _____, from _____ to _____. _____ to _____ in _____, and the contract will be automatically terminated upon expiration of the service period.

2. Party B pays a one-time membership fee of _____ RMB for the service of ____________________3. Party A provides Party B with the following services during the term:

(1) A comprehensive western medical checkup, psychological assessment, and health history investigation for Party B (for details of the checkup hospitals and items, please refer to Attachment 1)

(2) According to the results of the examination, the expert for party B for health assessment, the development of health care programs (3) for party B to establish a detailed, comprehensive, dynamic "health file"

(4) to guide party B for "sub-health" conditioning (5) to provide party B with a healthy Club members of the hospital contracted to provide a full range of medical services: emergency, outpatient, consultation, hospitalization, surgery (hospital expenses incurred at their own expense, the list of contracted hospitals see Annex 2)

(6) for the party to arrange for the health care practitioner to provide health advice and follow-up of the whole health (7) timely organization of the "Health Knowledge Lecture" and "health insights salon". "Health Care Salon"

(8) Provide Party B with relevant medical information and health care knowledge in due course.

4. If there are any disputes between the two parties in the course of cooperation, they will negotiate in a sincere and friendly manner. If the dispute cannot be resolved through consultation, either party has the right to submit the dispute to the _______________ Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration at _______________ in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Commission. The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties.

5. This contract is executed in _____ copies, each of which is held by both parties, all of which have the same legal effect.

Party A: ______________________________ Party A representative: _________________________ Party B: ___________________________________ year _____ month _____ day

(3) ) Information Service Agreement

Party A: _________________________ Party B: _________________________ I. Party A's Rights and Obligations:

1. Party A, upon receipt of the payment from Party B (access fee in capital letters: __________/year), will provide Party B with Browse the website _____ type of information, limited to __________ at the browsing port. The service period is from the date of _____ to the date of _____ in _____.

2. Party A provides the following service items for Party B free of charge:

(1) free gift of website home page text link advertisement; (2) free release of supply and demand information; (3) hotline consultation.

3. Party A has the right to suspend or terminate its services if it finds that Party B leaks the user name and password provided by this website or reproduces the content of this website for use by a third party and reserves the right to pursue the resulting financial and legal responsibilities.

4. Party A has the right to modify or delete the information published or sent by Party B in China General Plastics Information Network if Party B believes that it may cause adverse effects or losses to the network and other users or relevant third parties.

5. Party A's website provides a variety of information as well as member information, etc., for Party B's reference and access, Party A does not assume any responsibility for Party B's use of online information for investment, production, business and other economic activities.

6. Party A's website for its own technical reasons caused by Party B can not browse the information, Party A should be other forms of timely provision of appropriate services.

Two, Party B's rights and obligations:

1. Party B shall pay the access fee (RMB: __________/year) to Party A. Party B shall be the member of the information network of the category of _____ for the period from _____ to _____ in _____ month to _____ in _____ month.

2. Party B shall carefully keep the user name, password and other relevant identification parameters to be entered when logging on to Party A's website and shall be responsible for their confidentiality.

3. Party B shall not disclose its own dedicated user name, password and all kinds of confidential information to a third party, if found, Party A has the right to terminate the service to Party B.

4. Party A's services for internal use only, shall not be reproduced on Party A's website content to others and units engaged in business activities for profit, if found, Party A has the right to terminate the service to Party B.

5. Party B in the search of Party A's website, due to personal technical reasons for the loss of Party A does not bear any responsibility.

6. Party B can browse the contents of the website of Party A within the period of use, Party A is not responsible for Party B's own reasons for not browsing in time or non-human factors and irresistible natural disasters caused by Party B can not browse.

Three, this agreement in duplicate, A and B each sign one. Since the date of signature and seal of both parties to take effect.

Fourth, bylaws:

1. The contract is not exhaustive, in the annex to supplement, signed by both parties for the record and the contract has the same legal effect. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through consultation between the two parties, failing which, it may be adjudicated through economic arbitration.

2. If any provision of this contract is for any reason wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.

Party A (seal): ___________________ Party B (seal): ___________________ Authorized Representative (signature): _______________ Authorized Representative (signature): _______________ Address: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ (Principal)

Party B: ____________________ Accounting Agent Bookkeeping Co., Ltd (Trustee)

In order to promote the development of the socialist market economy and to expand the business of agent bookkeeping, according to the People's Republic of China*** and the State of China's Contract Law", "Accounting Law" and other laws and regulations, by the friendly consultation between the A and B parties, on the commissioning of accounting business to enter into the following terms, by both parties *** together to comply with.

I. Time Scope

Party B accepts Party A's entrustment of Party A's economic business from _____ to _____ to carry out agency bookkeeping.

Two, the scope of business

Party B for Party A specific agent of the following:

1. bookkeeping; 2. agent bookkeeping (including organizing and reviewing the original vouchers, filling out bookkeeping vouchers, registering the accounting books, preparation of accounting reports, binding and storage of accounting files); 3. accounting consulting, tax consulting; 4. to the national tax, local tax returns, bank tax payment; 5. on behalf of Party A Participate in various tax meetings; 6. Assist Party A in accepting tax inspections.

Three, Party A's responsibilities and obligations

1. Actively cooperate with Party B's work, provide Party B with true, complete, legal and valid original documents and other relevant accounting information, including the use of various invoices, bank deposit income and expenditure details.

The original documents returned by Party B for correction and supplementation shall be corrected and supplemented in accordance with the provisions of the unified accounting system of the State, and Party A shall be responsible for the administrative penalties of taxation, industry and commerce, and finance in the event of incomplete and untrue accounting information provided by Party A.

2. Arrange for a person in charge of cash and bank deposit receipt and payment, keep all the transaction documents, so as to facilitate the two sides to sign and confirm.

3. To do a good job in the process of transferring accounting information in the registration and custody.

4. Even if accurately forwarded to the tax department received letters, phone calls, etc., in order to be sent by Party B to participate.

5. To pay the agency bookkeeping service fee in full and on time according to the provisions of this contract.

4. Responsibilities and obligations of Party B

1. Carry out agency bookkeeping business in accordance with the "Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the State" and other laws and regulations.

2. Design the corresponding accounting system according to Party A's business characteristics and management needs.

3. We will send special personnel to be responsible for the signing and handing over of original documents on a regular basis and do a good job of signing and receiving original documents, design the procedure of transferring accounting information, guide Party A to keep accounting files properly, and go through the procedures of handing over the accounting work at the time of termination of the contract.

4. Review the original documents provided by Party A in accordance with the relevant financial accounting regulations, fill in the vouchers manually or with financial software, register the accounting books, and prepare financial accounting reports in a timely manner.

5. Explaining and explaining the principle issues raised by Party A concerning accounting laws and regulations, accounting treatment and financial and tax policies.

6. Properly keep all accounting-related information of Party A. Party B shall bear full responsibility for the loss of Party A's information due to Party B's reasons.

7. The commercial secrets and accounting information of Party A involved in the work shall be kept strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed, presented or disseminated to any third party other than Party A. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by Party B.

8. The tax department to Party A to check the work, Party B to participate in the report.

V. Agent Bookkeeping Charges

After negotiation: Party B's agent bookkeeping service fee is RMB __________ per month (in capitals), and it is charged in advance for the period from _____ month to _____ year (quarter), ***counting (in capitals) RMB _______________.

VI. Validity period

This contract shall be effective by the signature and seal of both parties, and shall be valid until all the matters agreed in the contract are completed.

This contract shall be executed in duplicate, one for each party, and shall have the same legal effect.

VII. Liability for breach of contract

If either party violates the provisions of this contract and causes losses to the other party, it shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the State".

Party B fails to provide accounting services in accordance with the provisions of the contract, Party A may terminate this contract in advance and will not be liable for breach of contract.

VIII. Other related matters

1. Party A shall leave Party B with detailed and safe contact information, and Party A shall be responsible for the consequences of repeated failure to notify Party B of the need for Party A's assistance in providing information, official seal, etc. during the tax filing period or within the time limit designated by the tax, industry and commerce and finance departments.

2. If Party B fails to complete the accounting on time or the accounting is inaccurate due to Party B's reasons, which causes certain consequences, Party B must rectify the situation in time and bear the corresponding responsibility.

3. The financial and accounting reports and other accounting and tax information provided to the outside world by Party A and Party B **** the same signature and seal, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the national unified accounting system provided to the outside world.

4. Matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between A and B and a supplementary contract shall be concluded.

Party A: ___________________________________ Signature of the legal representative: _________________________ (or authorized person)

_____ year _____ month _____ day

Party B: _________________________ Accounting Agents & Bookkeepers Limited

Signature of legal representative: _________________________ (or authorized person)

_____ _____ month _____ day

(v) Legal Services Contract Party A: ___________________________________ Party B: _________________________ Law Firm Party A and Party B, after consultation, have reached this contractual agreement on Party B's provision of legal services to Party A.

Article I Service Content

Part I: Acting as Party A's legal adviser:

Providing the whole process of legal services for the development of the company's ____________________ project (hereinafter referred to as the project).

Part II: Program design, text production, etc. for Party A's Project

1. Production of all texts related to the development of the Project, including but not limited to:

Loan (investment) contracts, entrusted loan contracts, series of contracts of capital trusts, etc.; series of contracts of housing leases, etc.; 2. Participation in the whole process of the relevant judicial proceedings until the end of the execution proceedings; 3. With the consent of Party A, the project and government departments to participate in the work of liaison and cooperation; 4. depending on the work needs of Party A, assigned lawyers to the project site office; 5. responsible for the training of legal knowledge of the project participants; the third part: the agent to handle the project implementation of disputes in the course of the whole process of the judicial process:

including the first trial and the second trial litigation, enforcement, and so on.

Article II Service Personnel

1. Principle of Party B's Assignment of Service Personnel: Assigning lawyers _____ who are familiar with the characteristics of the project to participate in the implementation of all of the above services, and in accordance with the principle of high efficiency and timeliness of the work when the need to enrich the service personnel, and if necessary, can form a team of lawyers service.

2. Party B accepts Party A's entrustment, assigned __________ lawyers, __________ lawyers, __________ lawyers as the legal services of the contractor lawyer (hereinafter referred to as "lawyers").

In the course of this contract, the above lawyers, if there is a normal work transfer, leave, physical condition and other reasons, party B shall promptly inform party A, and the two sides consult with other suitable lawyers assigned to replace, but the above lawyers should still be *** with the participation of this service.

3. Party A agrees that Party B and its assigned lawyers may, if they deem necessary, assign part of the work of this service to Party B's assistants or other lawyers to assist in completing.

Article 3 Service Fees

1. Attorney's Fees: Both parties agree that Party A shall pay the attorney's fees according to the following method.

Option 1: lump sum fee: it is RMB __________,000,000, which will be paid on the _____ day after the signing of this contract