Chinese name
High-speed air driven handpieces
Foreign name
High-speed air driven handpieces
Product name (Chinese) High-speed air driven handpieces
Product name (English) High-speed air driven handpieces
Registration No. State Food and Drug Administration Measures (in) No. 2552599 of 2012
Registered agent Sirona Dental Systems (Shanghai) Co.
After-sales service organization Sirona Dental Systems (Shanghai) Co.
Producer's name (English) Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Manufacturer's address (Chinese) Fabrikstr. 31,64625 Bensheim,GERMANY
Manufacturing place Fabrikstr. 31,64625 Bensheim,GERMANY
Production country (Chinese) Germany
Specification Model SIROBoost S, SIROBoost K, SIROBoost W, SIROBoost N
Product Standard Imported Products
Registered Standard YZB/GER 3038-2012 "High-speed air turbine handpiece"