Shocked! 3D foot scanner has radiation?

Good evening, folks

I've read every message you've fired off in the background of WeChat

The question on everyone's mind is whether the 3D foot scanner

has any radiation?

Can pregnant women be measured?

In order to answer these questions

Dr. Yee asked his colleagues to bring two 3D foot scanners from the research and development center

to the office

to see if the big brother of black technology was possessed by radiation

Please put away your tablets and put your phones on mute

I'm going to start the show now

It's time to start the show

It's time to start the show

It's time to start the show

It's time to start the show.

I'm guessing that many of you who came to experience the 3D foot scan

were misled by the cool lighting effects

It does look like it has a radioactive face

Really, with the cool lighting effects

you could have a social rock song and be bouncing around the office

So what about the radioactive-looking face


So, what the hell is this radiant-looking blue and green light


Blue and green light is actually visible light

Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be perceived by the human eye

It's made up of seven colors of light: blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, and red

The fluorescent lamps that are common in the world are a type of visible light

The blue and green light used for 3D foot scanning

is actually the light used to replace ordinary fluorescent lamps. The blue and green light used in 3D foot scanners

is actually the same light used in ordinary fluorescent lamps changed to a different color

The reason why people have misconceptions about 3D foot scanners

It is also possible that you have watched too much Ultraman

There is always a laser move to help out in critical moments

And the power is quite great

Although there is a word "light" in the name of both of them

The name of the foot scanner is "light", which means that it can be used for a lot of purposes. "

But there's a big difference between visible light and lasers

The principle of lasers was discovered by Albert Einstein in 1916

It's based on the expansion of light through stimulated radiation

A laser's main properties are directional light emission, extreme brightness, and very high energy

Laser reflections can be used to measure the distance from the Earth to the moon

The laser's reflection can be used to measure the distance from the Earth to the moon

It's also known as a laser beam, which can be used for a variety of purposes. distance

Laser in the fiber optic propagation can also achieve long-distance fiber-optic communication

The common infrared pen is also laser

If the direct light in the eyes will cause some damage

Now on the market scanners are roughly divided into two categories

Photographic 3D scanners and laser scanners

The 3D foot scanner belongs to the photo type Scanners

Above and below the rotating arm of the foot scanner

are mounted **** 6 high-precision cameras with different angles

These cameras rotate around the foot at a fixed point

for 360-degree scanning and shooting

to capture three-dimensional information about the shape of our feet

When scanning, there will be a lot of "dots" cross-projected onto the foot

The scanning will be a lot of "dots" cross-projected onto the foot. "These blue and green dots

are visible light emitted by a lenticular projection device

The dots help the camera, which is angled at a certain angle

to synchronize the foot images

and then decode and compute the dots by using matching technology and triangulation principles

so as to obtain a 3D image of our feet


You should understand that the blue and green light in the scan

is just the light used by the camera to take a picture of the spot

It's not a radioactive laser

It's healthy and harmless, and is suitable for young and old people

Here's another slow-motion shot to give you a feel for what it's like

I'd like to brag a little bit more

The scanning speed of the 3D Foot Scanner is very high

It can get 1 million images of your feet in a few seconds, so you can get a good picture of your feet.

The 3D foot scanner is so fast

that you can get more than 1 million points in a few seconds

The accuracy is so high that you'll be scared to death, up to 0.03mm

After the measurement, you'll realize

that the one person who knows the shape of your feet best is not yourself

but the EPOQUE 3D foot scanner





"Is the 3D foot scanner radioactive?"

No radiation

That's it for today's answer

If you like Dr. Yi's little science fiction

Remember to give me a click at the end of this article?


If you have any questions, please leave a comment and let me know

We'll be back next time to answer your questions~4
