Hurray Technology Park (Hurray R & D Center) belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Hurray Technology Park (Hurray R & D Center) is located in Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Suzhou Kunshan City, near Renkang Road No. 2), covers an area of about 12 acres, as of now there are 10 enterprises in the park ****, including Suzhou Fenglilian Supply Chain Management Co.

Thirty percent of the enterprises in HAYU Technology Park (HAYU R&D Center) are located in the business service industry, and 20% are located in the wholesale industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of over 10 million include Suzhou Fenglilian Supply Chain Management Co., Jiangsu Huishengzhou Holding Co., Xunde Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co.

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