Brazilian turtles are active, like to live in the water, are not afraid of people, and have a strong ability to adapt to the environment. The suitable growing water temperature is 20-32 ℃, the best growing water temperature is between 25-30 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 20℃, the amount of food is reduced and the activity is inactive. 15℃ or less basically do not eat; 10℃ or less activity is obviously reduced, in a semi-dormant state. The Brazilian turtle is an omnivorous turtle, mainly eating meat during artificial breeding, especially in the infant stage, mostly small fish, shrimp, lean meat and other animals as the main food. In the adult stage, it can also eat plant feed (bananas, fruits, etc.) and workers with feed. Brazilian turtles eat a lot and grow faster than tortoises. Generally at room temperature, adequate food, normal breeding conditions, hatchlings hatched in July-September can reach an average of 25-40g before wintering that year, the following year can be cultured more than 200g, and the specifications of the commercial turtles in the third year can generally reach more than 400g. However, the growth rate of male and female Brazilian turtles is different, the latter is significantly faster than the former.
2. Advantages of artificial breeding
Ornamental Brazilian turtles are very colorful, with obvious red spots on the tympanic membrane behind the eyes, which is an almost indispensable excellent species in the pet ornamental fish market at present.
Easy to breed, grows faster, and is highly adaptable to the environment. Artificial reproduction is easy, but the market price is lower than other turtles. Compared with Brazilian turtles, snapping turtles, Maori turtles, snapping turtles, Brazilian turtles are less expensive, almost mass commodities, more easily accepted by market consumers.
The market space for development is not saturated. Although the Brazilian tortoise is currently the largest breeding volume of species, the annual output of more than 10,000 tons of commercial turtles, output value of 400 million yuan, but the turtle seedlings mainly rely on imports, the domestic introduction of the turtle seedlings in short supply, a large gap. With the rise of the turtle boom, is bound to aggravate the situation of turtle seedlings in short supply.
In addition, the turtle has food and medicinal value.
3. Disease control
From the current breeding practice, Brazilian turtles have a strong resistance to disease. As long as we do a good job of early introduction and disease prevention measures, adopt reasonable feeding methods, find sick turtles timely isolation, active treatment, we will achieve better breeding efficiency.
Turtle disease prevention is generally related to the environment, the turtle itself, feed, and pathogens. Maintaining a good turtle breeding environment, such as water quality in line with breeding requirements, quiet environment, turtle habitat reasonable and scientific, can reduce the occurrence of turtle diseases. Similarly, it is important to breed close to home when introducing, avoid long-distance transportation, and avoid breeding from the market or from farmers who are not familiar with the current state of breeding. Snapper species are healthy and free of defects, and the feed meets the growth needs of snappers, fresh and comprehensive, and rich in nutrients. Cut off the pathway of pathogens spreading to healthy snappers, etc. The company's products and services can play a certain preventive role.
4. Enemy damage prevention
In the hatchling and juvenile stages, Pacific turtles are more vulnerable to snakes, rats and cats, so it is appropriate to use facilities to prevent enemy damage. For pond culture, it is important to pay attention to the species and size of the fish so as not to jeopardize the safety of the turtle.
Young Brazilian turtles can be kept without difficulty in flat-bottomed containers. Plastic pots, plastic tanks or boxes, and aquariums are all fine, and the water should not be too deep. A flat, shallow plastic tank on the market with an island and a plastic coconut tree in the center is most unsuitable because (1) it's too small, (2) it can't hold an electric heater, and (3) it misleads the user into thinking of the island as a feeding place. Since Brazilian turtles feed entirely in the water, the result could be an island full of feeders while the turtles starve.
An ideal nursery must have some specific minimum requirements. Each hatchling should have five liters of water to walk around in, and the water should be no deeper than the length of the turtle's body so that its feet can touch the ground while it breathes at the surface. Also, an island should be made for them out of bricks and stones. Floating islands are not suitable because young turtles often can't climb them and it's laborious. On the other hand, be careful that islands and decorations don't become dangerous obstacles where turtles can get stuck and drown.
The water temperature that young turtles can adapt to is around 25 degrees Celsius; when it's cold, the air above the container should be heated as well. Adding a hooded light to the breeding tank will give you the best of both worlds. If the water temperature is still too low, you can add electric heaters to the water - the temperature can be regulated as much as possible. If you buy a high heat (100 to 150 watts) electric heater now, it will be enough to handle a larger tank when the Brazilian turtles are larger. The electric heaters sold in aquariums have to be placed under the surface of the water, and the equipment also has to be careful that the heater and power cord don't snag the Brazilian turtles potentially.
In particular, Brazilian turtles should have the opportunity to be exposed to direct sunlight. If this is not possible, young turtles should be exposed to UV light once or twice a week for about three to five minutes at a time. The UV light should not be too close to the Brazilian tortoise so that the light is not too strong to cause damage. Sunlight exposure is the best way to go, but care needs to be taken not to filter the needed UV rays out of the container glass. The baby turtle can be kept on the balcony all summer. To prevent birds from taking it away, you can cover the box with a net. It is absolutely necessary to prevent Brazilian turtles from climbing out of the breeding box. Otherwise, one day you will find the circuit of the "mummy" heater under the bed or in a corner, and this may even be a bridge for the escape of the turtle, which is a very skillful climber.