How to make html5 mobile web design mobile web design and production tutorials

How to make H5 page

You can choose professional h5 creation tool to make h5 page.

Different from simply replacing images and text, professional h5 page maker tools have rich interactive features available to create a cooler and richer h5 page that leaves a deep impression on users. Well-known tools are epub360 and so on.

What we usually call H5 is H5 ads, which are mostly used for publicity and marketing on WeChat, and HTML5 is the standard of the fifth generation of HTML. It can be said that H5 is based on HTML5 and includes most of the web pages we currently see. Basically, all H5 follows HTML5 or else there will be problems.

It's an internet based web programming language, and mobile advertising is just one of the dots. in 2007, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) established html5. it wasn't until the end of october 2014 that the specs for HTML5 were finally finalized after all the experimenting, discarding, dumping, and getting kicked around by all the bigwigs!

What frameworks are used to develop mobile apps using html5?

With more and more people using smartphones, mobile web development projects have become a trend. But do you know that there are several machine website development frameworks?

1. LungoJS This is considered the best HTML5 development framework for developing mobile websites, using HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript technology. It helps to create applications based on iOS, Android, Blackberry and WebOS platforms. The framework can take advantage of the advanced features of current mobile devices and can capture events including swipes, touches, long presses and more. No images are required, all vectors are claimed.Lungo.JS requires no server-side support and helps implement HTML5 features including WebSQL, Geolocation, History, Deviceorientation and more. This is a fully customizable framework that can be used to create applications, games, and other programs.

2. KendoUIKendoUI is an HTML5 platform that developers can use to develop innovative, interactive mobile applications and websites. The framework provides a large number of animations and rich drag and drop functionality , templates and provides nearly 10 client-side commonly used data binding widgets , such as charts , combo boxes , and commonly used forms .

3. Jo The framework allows you to create native-like applications that are compatible with any operating system, be it Blackberry, iOS, or Android, and provides many HTML5 widgets. Use it to solve any animation design problems.

4. SenchaTouchSenchaTouch is the first HTML5-based mobile application framework that utilizes JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to build mobile applications.The framework utilizes a local proxy to store offline data and specifically uses HTML5 to render video and audio components. It is possible to make your WebApp look like a native application. Beautiful user interface components and rich data management , all based on the latest HTML5 and CSS3 Web standards , fully compatible with Android and Apple iOS devices.5.52Framework52Framework has a 16-column grid template . The framework comes from the new "Selection", shadows, rounded corners and valid HTML5 markup in CSS3 styles. The framework also provides some special scripts and styles for IE6. 6. LimeJSLimeJS is a JavaScript game development framework for quickly building games that run on touchscreen devices and desktop browsers. Allows developers to create HTML5-based games , support for major browsers including iOS. 7.G5Framework If you want to quickly implement web development and want to reuse ant theme or application or website project , then the G5 framework is your best choice because the framework is designed to improve the development efficiency and reduce code . The framework uses featured PHP activation classes, SEO optimization techniques. In addition to these functional features that G5 itself comes with, it also integrates many other features such as OrbitSlider, CSS3PIE, RevealModals, CSS3Buttons, and TipsyTooltips, etc. 8. jQueryMobilejQueryMobile(jQueryMobile) Is the version of jQuery on cell phones and tablet devices . jQueryMobile will not only bring the mainstream mobile platform jQuery core library , but also will release a complete unified jQuery mobile UI framework . Support for the world's leading mobile platforms. jQueryMobile development team said: to develop this project , we are very excited . Mobile Web is too much need for a cross-browser framework that allows developers to develop a real mobile Web site . We will do our best to meet such a need . 9. PhoneGapPhoneGap is an open source development framework , using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build cross-platform mobile applications. It enables developers to utilize the core features of iPhone, Android, Palm, Symbian, Blackberry, WindowsPhone and Beda smartphones - including geolocation, accelerometers, contacts, sound and vibration.

h5 web page creation software?

maka editor mobile is a powerful template design software, so that you can quickly create your favorite HTML5 project through this application, convenient for you to create and manage anytime, anywhere, one-click generation, comparable to professional designers, so that your marketing is more personalized, MAKA, to make a good design. Is taking into account H5, posters, videos, letters, single page, micro business and e-commerce materials, such as production and design tools APP, with 10W + designer resources, a huge number of creative templates unlimited use, 10 seconds to get started, 1 minute to create, minimalist generation of high-level design effects!

html5 expression how to develop?

html5 in general is text, all any text editor can. However, there are many editors with so many more auxiliary features like debugging and syntax highlighting auto-completion.

Writing a purely static web page, html5 and html4 is no difference, to WYSIWYG on the use of dreamweaver, or even direct photoshop slicing output html can be, like to write the source code, with any handy text editor can be, will not be vim on the recommendation of notepad + ++ or Sublimetext2.

Writing web pages with javascript, you can also use a text editor with the browser's javaconsole to debug, but there are also good ide can be used, comes with debugging, such as webstorm and aptanastudio.