1851: Germany, HermannHelmholtz invented the fundoscope.
1853: Scotland, Alexander Wood and Charles Pravaz invented the hypodermic syringe.
1854: England, Florence Nightingale creates modern nursing concepts and methods.
1856: France, Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization.
1862: France, LouisPasteur's microbiological theory of disease is recognized, facilitating the process of medical research and practice.
1863: France, CasimirDavaine discovers the causative microorganism of anthrax, linking disease to specific microorganisms for the first time.
1863: Germany, JohannBaeyer first discovers barbituric acid.
1865: England, Joseph Lister uses phenol as an antiseptic in surgery, reducing the surgical mortality rate from 45% to 15%.
1865: France, Claude Bernard publishes àl'EtudedelaMédecineExpérimental, making medicine a science of observation, hypothesis, and verification.
1874: In the United States, Andrew Still proposed vertebral displacement as one of the most causes of spinal disease, founding osteopathy.
1876: Germany, Robert Koch proves that the causative agent of anthrax is Bacillus.
1881: France, Louis Pasteur proposes vaccination against anthrax, the first effective control of infection by an anti-bacterial vaccine.
1881: Austria, Christian Billroth successfully removes pyloric cancer, marking the beginning of gastrointestinal surgery and a new era in modern surgery.
1881: Germany, Robert Koch proposed steam sterilization.
1881: In the United States, William Halsted performed the first blood transfusion in a patient.
1882: Germany, Robert Koch isolates Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
1884: Austria, Sigmund Freud and Carl Koller used cocaine for local anesthesia.
1884: England, RickmanGodlee completed surgery to remove a brain tumor.
1884: Germany, Edwin Klebs and Friedrich L?ffler isolated the diphtheria bacillus and identified it as the causative agent.
1885: France, Louis Pasteur invents the rabies vaccine.
1887: France, Augustus Waller records the electrical activity of the heart, pioneering electrocardiology.
1890: Germany, Emil von Behring develops anti-tetanus toxin.
1891: Germany, Japan, France, EmilvonBehring, KitasatoShibasaburo, and émileRoux develop preparations against diphtheria toxin.
1893: In the United States, Daniel Williams performed the first successful human heart surgery.
1896: Germany, Hermann Strauss introduces X-rays as a means of diagnosing disease.
1896: Germany, Ludwig Rehn successfully sutures a patient with a heart injury.
1896: Italy, ScipioneRiva-Rocci invented the mercury sphygmomanometer.
1896: In the Netherlands, Christiaan Eijkman discovers that the cause of beriberi is a nutrient deficiency.
1897: England, Ronald Ross discovers that the Anopheles mosquito carries the malarial parasite.
1899: Sweden, Tage Sjogren succeeds in using x-rays to treat the disease.
1901: Netherlands, Gerrit Grijns foot fungus technique for prevention
1902: United States, Alexis Carrel vascular suture
1903: Netherlands, Willem Einthoven electrocardiogram
1904: Germany. AlfredEinhorninvents local anesthetics
1905: GermanyFritzSchaudinnandErichHoffmanndiscover the agent of syphilis
1906: England, Frederick Hopkinsdiscovers vitamins
1909: England, Japan GermanyJapan, Paul Ehrlichand SahachiroHata discovers effective drug for syphilis
1910: USA, Frank Woodbury uses iodine as a disinfectant
1911: USA, Russell Hibbs spinal fusion surgery
1913: USA, ElmerMcCollumandMargueriteDavis classify vitamin A.
1915: Japan, K. Yamagiwaand K. Ichikawa discover that coke is carcinogenic
1916: USA, Jay McLean discovers anticoagulant heparin
1920: USA, HarveyCushingandW.T.Bowie surgical vascular suturing.
1921: CanadaFrederickBanting,CharlesBest,andJamesCollipIsolationofinsulinanditsuseinpatients1921:USA,ElmerMcCollumandEdwardMellanby(Sony,Japan,2000,hostedthe1stInternational Conference on Systems Biology, USA, Hood Fellows created the 1st Institute of Systems Biology in 2000.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the authoritative journals Nature and Science published special issues on systems biology and synthetic biology, and research institutes of systems biology and systems medicine were established, thus medicine stepped into the era of systems medicine and pharmacology, and will bring a great prospect of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and industrial scale.