60 seconds to fall asleep quickly tips eight ways to let you fall asleep quickly

Sleep problem is currently a lot of people a big trouble, what are the ways to make people fast sleep? Below I have compiled a list of ways to fall asleep fast in 60 seconds for your reference!

60 seconds to fall asleep quickly eight tricks

First, sleep position to help sleep

Choose their own most relaxed sleeping position, sleep is the most important thing is to relax, lying in bed can not be sitting in the classroom, the office as the constraints, you can find a kind of their own think the most comfortable and most relaxing sleeping position, and then fall asleep beautifully.

Second, the movement of sleep method

For long-term sleep difficulties, exercise is a very good way to run, jump rope, playing badminton are very good choices, but remember not to do too intense exercise, and to be carried out a few hours before bedtime, too close to the time of sleep rather than get the effect

Four, with the left nostril breathing method

You need to lie on the left side of the bed, with a finger pressure on the right side of the nostril and then slowly deep breathing can be, this method is intended to reduce the person's blood pressure so that it is as much as possible in a calm state, especially for those who are born with the body heat or hot flashes menopausal people have a good effect.

Fifth, breathing slow method

Rhythmic breathing, first fast and then slow, similar to the role of hypnosis. Gradually slow down the breathing rate can relax the whole body, generally do about 7 minutes of deep breathing can enter a deep sleep state.

Six, self-protection method, hold a pillow

Some people are also seriously insecure because it is difficult to sleep, sleep like the whole person are hiding into the nest, or other ways to hide themselves, for such a situation, no quilt when you can try to hold a pillow or stuffed animals and things. If you are afraid of the dark, then put a night light in front of the bed.

Seven, turn off electronic devices

Near night, people usually feel a little sleepy, when you feel sleepy immediately go to sleep, the probability of falling asleep is very large. But many people in life are accustomed to five minutes before going to bed to brush the phone to browse the news. It is this small five minutes, because the stimulation of electronic devices, drive away your sleep, let your brain more and more excited.

eight, back to the idea of fast sleep

Lying in bed, we can try to think back to their lives this day, so that their thoughts are active, because in this case, the thoughts tend to be just active will enter the stage of sleepiness, which leads to drowsiness, so that we are faster and easier to enter the sleep.