I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.

You said should not be so bad, I'm in Hongfa headquarters, treatment of all aspects are very good, you over-exaggerated, graduates just go in after deducting the five insurance and a gold and food and housing, and finally get their hands on about 3,000, the end of the year awards and holiday expenses and what is very high in fact, not so exaggerated. And career path development and everything is very good, inside the human resources people are also very good. You have to distinguish according to the facts, after all, now which enterprises have vilified the company's people, regardless of whether you are a centralized enterprise or state-owned enterprises, and Hongfa is still a state-owned enterprises restructuring listed companies.

I was an engineer at Jimei Hongfa in 2013, and the factories in Jimei are generally very bad, and the general laborers are counted according to the piecework (irregular), and the working hours are 8.00-17.30. Seven or eight years of experience of the engineers is more than 3,000 dollars (no matter how many years of experience you have), and there is basically no overtime, overtime engineers are usually 8 yuan/hour, and the weekends are 10 yuan/hour (the engineers' overtime), which is even lower than that of the engineers, and it is illegal. lower than general labor, illegal!) ), and have to go to work on Saturdays! Sucks! Many positions in the talent network all year round has been hanging recruitment, high turnover rate, bad treatment!