Classification and collection of medical waste should be based on its characteristics and disposal methods, and be connected to the local way of medical waste disposal. Under the condition of ensuring medical safety, medical and health institutions are encouraged to gradually reduce the use of mercury-containing sphygmomanometers and thermometers, and encourage the use of reusable medical devices, instruments and supplies instead of disposable ones, so as to realize the reduction of the quantity at source. Medical waste is divided into infectious waste, injurious waste, pathological waste, pharmaceutical waste and chemical waste, medical waste classification.
The classification and disposal of discarded narcotic, psychotropic, radioactive and toxic drugs and their related wastes are carried out in accordance with other relevant national laws, regulations, standards and provisions.
Limbs amputated by patients and dead fetuses induced into labor are included in funeral management.
Pharmaceutical wastes and chemical wastes can be disposed of in accordance with HW03 and HW49 categories in the National Hazardous Waste List, respectively.