What is VR?

Virtual reality (VR) has huge potential to change the way people and businesses interact with each other and the environment around them.

Previously, VR was usually associated only with the gaming industry. Now, it has more application scenarios.

Although this innovative technology is currently more traditionally associated with the gaming industry, it is used in various fields to manipulate physical environments. VR allows its users to experience real environments in a more immersive way.

Mechasparrow - an American VR expert who said "it is only a matter of time before we experience more interesting uses of virtual reality than what we know now."

Since then , some fields have begun to use VR technology and improve their products, including business, medicine, manufacturing, construction and leisure industries.

Today we will take stock of the top ten application scenarios of VR in reality 1. Recruitment and training

Enterprises are the most intuitive beneficiaries of the technological revolution.

Some companies are now recruiting and training their employees through the use of VR, which allows employees to participate in seemingly real work tasks and scenarios. For example, during recruitment, companies can utilize mock interviews and select the best candidates.

Using VR in the workplace can allow potential employees to gain a more intuitive understanding of the work environment and prepare plans to face challenges that may arise. The company can also train employees from different positions at the same time, which also provides employees with a more realistic sense of participation, thus greatly improving the effectiveness of training. 2. Work collaboration in different workplaces

Some companies have embraced virtual sharing, allowing employees to collaborate without division of labor in different locations. For example, if a company has remote workers from different locations, they coordinate and complete tasks on time through VR technology.

Since teamwork is critical to a company’s success, VR technology allows workers to hold meetings and deliberate on issues via video. With this technology, employees can gather in the same room without having to communicate face-to-face.

This saves unnecessary travel and allows them to juggle tasks and accomplish more in the shortest possible time. 3. Innovate and predict trends

VR allows businesses to come up with new ideas and perform testing before implementing them in reality. This immersive technology enables companies to predict trends and determine project performance in advance.

Companies can determine their potential sales performance and customer growth in a virtual environment.

For example, in automobile manufacturing, the final product of a design can be tested to determine its acceptance in the real market. Engineers can test the car's safety in a virtual environment before the actual manufacturing process begins. Potential customers can also use VR technology to test vehicles before making a purchase decision.

This therefore contributes to the efficiency of the production process: allowing companies to produce optimal products that meet end-user objectives. 4. Pain Management

The use of virtual reality in medicine is widespread. For example, the technology is already used in pain management for patients undergoing treatments that often cause insurmountable pain, such as cancer. VR can help and manage every type of pain that cancer patients experience as a result of treatment. Derived into other highly painful treatment options such as high burns, physical therapy, broken limbs and open wounds.

When patients wear VR glasses, the technology is used to distract their brains and confuse pain pathways by sucking their thoughts away from the pain. Dentists are also using the technology to reassure patients during tooth extractions or root canals and other dental procedures. 5. Training medical students

Virtual reality technology is used to help medical students learn faster and gain practical experience. By using virtual reality in education, medical students can learn how to perform delicate surgical procedures.

Since these procedures are time-consuming and risky, VR can help students experience real surgeries without the serious consequences of incompetence. Trainees can also use this technology to increase their practice time in a virtual environment, eliminating fear of the risks of real surgery.

6. Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder is common among soldiers because of the trauma they suffered in combat, and the disorder is more common than previously thought. Post-traumatic stress disorder also exists in the general population and is not limited to combat soldiers. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that affects anyone who has experienced severe trauma, both physical and mental, such as sexual assault, abuse, and traffic accidents.

Virtual reality can help ease the fears of people with PTSD by helping them relive what they experienced. And, revisiting the experience can help the medical team understand the patient's condition and find treatment options that help them cope better. 7. Social cognitive training to manage autism

The number of patients with autism, a social developmental disorder, has been increasing. This problem is largely attributed to a lack of awareness of the condition on the part of parents and guardians, although there may be many other causal conditions, including the environment.

Autism impairs a person’s reasoning, interaction and social skills. Virtual reality technology can help manage the condition by enhancing a patient's brain activity and imaging.

VR can work by putting patients and parents into different scenarios and then using medical and psychological training to teach guardians and patients about the best approach to each situation. This gives everyone the opportunity to effectively prevent autism before it occurs. 8. Treatment and treatment of anxiety disorders

Anxiety can bring a sense of panic to patients, as if they have lost the ground under their feet. Some people may even have chest tightness and shortness of breath and be unable to breathe, making them have to escape to a safer place. place.

A significant symptom of anxiety disorder is difficulty breathing, and virtual reality can be used to monitor, comfort and control patients.

Medical teams can use functional apps integrated with VR technology to monitor patients’ breathing conditions and provide patients with appropriate comfort and options. If needed, the medical team can administer the medication quickly, saving time between illness onset and medication administration. 9. Treatment of paraplegic patients

Patients with impaired mobility can have the opportunity to use VR tools to experience the thrills of various environments without being limited by their physical disabilities. Notably, VR glasses are being used to enable paraplegic patients to restore their brain function and regain limb control. This is one of the most exciting uses of this new VR technology, and it will bring endless hope to people in this painful condition. 10. Leisure

The travel and tourism industry has benefited greatly from virtual reality technology. For example, these industries have been using the technology to give customers a realistic feel for various vacation destinations around the world. Customers can visit different destinations in a virtual environment before making their travel choices.

In this way, the world is no longer so big and you can see it whenever you want. This can enable the entire world to be better appreciated and understood by people in any country around the world. If someone can’t physically get to a place, they can still visit those places and experience the customs and customs through VR. In summary, there are many examples of virtual reality applications and are not limited to the limited description above.

The potential for technological innovation is unparalleled, and we can only look forward to more amazing ways VR will change the future. Therefore, learning this technology is a good way to improve your own value. When you devote yourself to the research of VR technology, you can also use this knowledge in other ways to achieve higher achievements.