What is the difference between ECT and CT

One, the principle of different

1, ECT: the introduction of radiopharmaceuticals into the human body, after metabolism in the organs outside the ECT or lesions and normal tissues to form a difference in the concentration of radioactivity between these differences will be detected, and then imaged through computer processing.

2, CT: X-ray beams on a certain part of the human body a certain thickness of the level of scanning, by the detector to receive through the level of X-rays, transformed into visible light, by the photoelectric conversion into electrical signals, and then by the analog/digital converter (analog/digitalconverter) into a digital, enter the computer processing.

/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/d4628535e5dde7116eb20afea8efce1b9d166152 "target="_blank "title="" class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow- pic.cdn.bcebos.com/d4628535e5dde7116eb20afea8efce1b9d166152?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2CCh_800%2Climit_1% 2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto "esrc="/d4628535e5dde7116eb20afea8efce1b9d166152"/>

Two, the characteristics of the different

1, ECT: ECT imaging is a highly specific Functional imaging and molecular imaging, in addition to showing the structure, focusing on providing the organs and the end of the orthopedic changes in the functional information of the organization.

2, CT: with fast scanning time, clear images and other characteristics.

Third, the use of different

1, ECT: mainly used for thyroid cancer, bone and other parts of the examination of tumors, especially commonly used in the detection of bone metastatic tumors, than the ordinary X-ray film can be found in advance of 3-6 months lesions.

2. CT: It is used in medical inspection, industrial inspection and security inspection.

/baike.baidu.com/item/ECT/9984225?fr=aladdin#11 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia-ECT">Baidu Encyclopedia-ECT

/baidu.com/item/ECT/1284225? item/CT/122415?fr=aladdin#9 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia-CT">Baidu Encyclopedia-CT