Qingdao Municipal Hospital and Port Authority Hospital which is better?

Fresh nurses no one this kind of big hospitals can not get in. The city hospital in Qingdao is also one of the best. But the nurse's salary is very low, the salary is not more than 1000, the welfare is basically 0. Three shifts, pay three insurance (labor contract is not signed with the city hospital but with the labor bureau signed). The work intensity is very high, but can develop a strong skill, very exercise.

The port hospital's medical equipment is the first in Qingdao, but the level of medical care is not satisfactory. Although it is a staff hospital, but with the Port Authority this backing treatment and benefits are very high. If you want to learn something, don't come, if you want to muddle through this is the best place.

Municipal hospitals, high pressure, low wages, unstable (contract signed once a year)

Port hospitals, low pressure, high wages, stable
