Problem of indistinguishable packaging materials for Medicare's consumable codes


The National Health Insurance Bureau issued a notice showing that the start of the public health insurance medical consumables classification and code database of the third batch of information, after the public no objection, the third batch of medical consumables information will be included in the national health insurance medical consumables classification and code database.

A code was announced, involving 752,000 consumables according to combing, the third batch of medical insurance medical consumables code involves Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, Myriad Medical, Shandong Weigao!

Shanghai micro-creation, South Micro-medicine and other well-known domestic and foreign mechanical enterprise products. Currently, three batches*** of 67,893 consumables codes have been published, involving 19,077,000 specifications and models.

Including the third batch of consumables code ***5266, involving 752607 specification models; the second batch of consumables code ***32554, involving 9404543 specification models; the first batch of consumables code ***30073, involving 89,196,696 specification models.

According to the public announcement, medical consumables coding includes primary classification (discipline, category), secondary classification (use, item), tertiary classification (part, function, variety), medical insurance common name, consumable material, specifications (characteristics, parameters), and producer information Prior to this, on June 27, 2019, the NHB issued the "National Medical Security Bureau on the issuance of standardization of medical security work Guidance Notice on the issuance of medical insurance standardization work", published medical insurance medical consumables and other four information business coding rules and methods.