Some of the differences in life between Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism Knowing

Buddhism originated in the ancient Indian state of Kaviara, today in Nepal. The Buddha was a Nepali. Buddhism did flourish in India, and there are Buddhist holy places in India, and there are Buddhist holy places in Nepal, and Wutai Mountain in China is also a Buddhist holy place as recorded in Buddhist scriptures. India was most formerly Hindu (Brahmin) and they had rank slaves and whatnot, and after the rise of Buddhism, Buddhism flourished and was practiced almost exclusively. Then the Islamic people fought wars and invaded and knocked Buddhism out of India, they were more exclusive and then they all practiced Islam. Later on, Islam was knocked to one side, and that Islam was now Pakistan, and this side of India went back to Hinduism (Brahmanism). So there is no more Buddhism in India, and now in India, there are many Hindus (Brahmins) and only a small number of Buddhists. It is all back to India again!