Changes in the spine for the impact of people, the role and efficacy of the spine combing bed

The spine is the central axis of the human body, the first and most important role is to support the weight. Neck spine bear the weight of the head, thoracic spine bear the weight of the neck spine, but also bear the weight of the thorax and thoracic organs and upper limbs, lumbar spine bear the weight of the above, but also bear the weight of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs. The sacral spine bears the above weight and transmits the above weight to the pelvis, which bears the weight of the pelvic organs in addition to the weight transmitted by the sacrum, and transmits these weights to the femur (the bone of the thigh), which in turn transmits them downward to the tibia and foot.

The second important role of the spine is motor function. There are two forms of connection between the vertebrae that make up the spine, the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae and the intervertebral joints between the arches. These two forms of connections allow the spine to perform movements such as forward and backward flexion and extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. In addition the joints between the uppermost part of the spine, i.e. the first cervical atlantoaxial vertebra and the occipital bone of the skull, and the joints between the first cervical atlantoaxial vertebra and the second cervical cardinal vertebrae allow the head to undergo forward and backward flexion and tilt (nodding movements), lateral flexion, and rotation (bobbing head movements).

The third important role of the spine is protective. The spinal column contains the spinal canal, which houses the spinal cord and protects it. Also, the 31 pairs of spinal nerves attached to the spinal cord pass through the intervertebral foramina and exit the spinal canal and are protected by the spine.

The fourth important role of the spine is hematopoiesis. After birth, the bone marrow in the whole body is red bone marrow. After the age of 5, most of the bone marrow in the whole body turns into yellow bone marrow and no longer produces blood, but the bone marrow in the proximal femur, the proximal humerus, the ilium, and the vertebral bone still retains the red bone marrow and continues to produce blood.

How to correct scoliosis

After scoliosis exceeds twenty degrees, it is necessary to correct it. The patient can effectively improve the symptoms by using self-correction, but the course of treatment is generally longer, and will not be able to receive significant results in a shorter period of time. At the same time, the patient should actively cooperate with the correction process, sitting and standing should try to keep the body upright, especially the back, can not be bent or tilted forward, and do not lie on the table to sleep, and to supplement some of the calcium and other nutrients, long-term adherence to play a certain role in assisting.

The role and efficacy of the spine combing bed

The spine combing bed is designed for the human spine with aerobic passive movement, hanging weight traction, spine snake swing, far infrared heat therapy four functions. Through a number of medical units, a number of medical experts, after more than three years of time hundreds of clinical trials, the lumbar disc herniation patients cure rate of more than 85%. Spine-related diseases have obvious curative effect. This product is adapted to all levels of medical units, rehabilitation centers, welfare homes, elderly activity centers, leisure resorts, fitness physiotherapy and community health care and other places to use, more suitable for lumbar protrusion patients, patients with spine-related diseases at home.

Six functions

① Aerobic passive exercise

Combing relaxation of the spine, each combing 20 minutes, equivalent to jogging 2000 - 3000 meters of exercise.

② Suspension dynamic traction

is a soothing way to make the whole body muscle ligament natural relaxation. It is safer, more reliable and more comfortable than all traction methods currently on the market. Through the inverted traction spine, pulling the intervertebral space, expanding the intervertebral foramina, intervertebral discs from positive pressure to negative pressure, thus reducing the compression of the spinal cord nerves, lifting the adhesion of the nerve roots, due to the spinal column is not correctly caused by the arm and the neck, the lumbar region of the stiff, pain, numbness will be alleviated, and often adhere to the use of the incorrect spinal column, so that natural natural return to the position of the spine, all your spine-related diseases will also naturally disappear.

③ Fan-shaped spinning spine swing

Can make each vertebra do a fan-shaped spinning spine twisting wrong swing. Often adhere to the spinning spine swing, spinal bone skew or small joint disorder will improve, in the intervertebral foramina through the spinal cord nerve distortion can be corrected, so as to lift the nerve root due to pressure and contact adhesion, eliminate peripheral nerve paralysis, so that the whole body nerve function back to normal.

④ Far-infrared heat therapy

Professional far-infrared generator, developed and produced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which utilizes clay silica powder die-casting synthesis. The penetrating power to the human body is three centimeters, and does not produce harmful rays to the human body. Can be anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood circulation, activation of cells, improve the body's immunity; rheumatism, wind-cold, cold limbs stiffness, pain in patients is particularly obvious.

⑤ Replacement cycle inversion

Replacement cycle inversion can expand the capillaries, exercise the elasticity of blood vessels, increase the supply of blood to the head, nutrient peripheral nerves, improve microcirculation.

⑥ Reset physiological curvature

The head and waist put neck curvature reset pillow and lumbar curvature reset pillow, can make the distortion of the spine restore the normal spinal physiological curvature.

Folding editorial four major features

① five elements in one

The movement, traction, twisting wrong, reset, far-infrared heat therapy five traditional physical therapy materialized into a synthetic method, by the manual work done one by one, into the mechanical completion of the passive movement. At the same time, the same frequency, synchronization, the formation of superimposed multiplier effect, and without any side effects.

② five elements in one

Self-weight dynamic traction of the human body inverted hanging, unlike forced static traction, reducing the risk and pain.

③ Depth massage

Passive fan-shaped rotational spine swing, improve the clearance and position around the nerve root, the intervertebral twisting and wrong movement massages the nerve root, lifting the nerve root adhesion. The whole body in a state of natural relaxation, passive movement pat yo-style massage of the internal organs, which is any current physical therapy methods and physical therapy equipment can not be realized.

④ Convenience and savings

Combing convenient, safe and time-saving

① Increase the head of blood oxygen

When people stand, walk, including lying down to sleep, our head is in the highest part of the body, and the brain's blood is the most of the whole body, accounting for more than 20% of the total body's blood, blood and oxygen supply in the brain is good or bad, will have a direct impact on a person's health.

How can we increase the blood oxygen in the head? The human body is inverted, head down and feet up, using the earth's gravity to achieve. Spinal combing plays a role in increasing the blood oxygen content of the brain.

② Hanging dynamic traction to pull open the intervertebral joint space

Medical common sense tells us that the human body grows to twenty years of age when the discs began to degenerate, the entire spine gradually began degenerative changes, the disc in the nucleus pulposus in the lumbar discs in the water began to decrease. To 40-50 years old when the speed of reduction began to accelerate, to 60 years old nucleus pulposus within the water basically disappeared, coupled with osteoporosis, the spine will be destabilized, deformation, curvature, so that people's height naturally decline 3-5 cm, which is the law of nature, so that the posture is not good spine is not correct, people are always more sick.

Spinal combing inverts the human body, through the self-weight dynamic traction and spinning spine swing, so that people's intervertebral space is gradually pulled open to become larger, the incorrect spine slowly return to the position, after increasing the amount of soft tissue activity around the discs, improve the blood circulation of the soft tissues, which can make the lumbar intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus water increased, restored to the normal column of the spine line, and strengthened the stability of the spinal column.

Under normal circumstances, as the age of the spinal column due to the narrowing of the intervertebral space, the intervertebral foramen also follow the small, then the intervertebral foramen of the nerve roots may be squeezed, resulting in nerve sheaths within the nerve to produce contact with the adhesion and compression, and over time, so that the nerve conduction of the block or friction occurs, even if you take medication and injections are ineffective. And in the spinal combing, with the spine stretching and spinning spine fan swing, the use of vertebrae twisting and wrong extrusion to achieve the massage of the nerve root, so that the pressure of the nerve root or the adhesion of the nerve root to be relieved, the corresponding disease naturally disappeared.

③ Correct small joint disorder syndrome

People in the life of a moment of inadvertence, sprain of the spine is unavoidable, generally after a few days of bed rest on the relief, but in fact, you have small joints of the subluxation or dislocation, a long time called the "small joint dysfunction syndrome". The misalignment of the small joints causes your nerve roots to be pinched or pulled, and over time, adhesions are created and contractures occur in the surrounding soft tissue ligaments. At this point, nerve conduction is impaired will have an adverse effect on the corresponding internal organs, time will occur some of the internal organs of chronic diseases, these conditions are actually spinal malformation trouble.

Spinal combing should be said to be the only international and domestic high-tech physical therapy, easy and natural combing of the spine, adjusting the small joint disorder syndrome, so that the spine is more stable.

④ organs of the internal organs of the massage

In the spinal combing combing, due to changes in body position, the position of the internal organs at the same time also changed, coupled with aerobic passive movement, the realization of the organs of the internal organs of the cavity in the middle of the peristalsis and beat, which is a kind of flexible visceral "massage", not only comfortable but also improves the function of the organs of the internal organs, and directly improves the visceral circulation, but also exercise the waist and abdominal muscles. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of shoes or boots.

⑤ Shu expand capillaries, improve microcirculation, nutrition peripheral nerves

From the perspective of human body mechanics analysis, people in the inverted, blood by the Earth's gravity, brain perfusion increased, the head of the vasculature to produce expansion of blood, the brain blood oxygen increased. When the human body lies flat when the blood returns to the heart, so that the brain capillaries return to normal. So repeated non-stop expansion and contraction, so that the capillaries have been fully exercised, increased elasticity, blood vessel walls are flushed and cleaned, so that the elasticity of the blood vessels in the head, microcirculation has been improved. It increases the nutrition of the peripheral nerves of the head, hands and feet, and the muscles of the hands and feet become more flexible and energetic.

⑥ relaxation exercise waist and abdominal muscles

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, long hours of watching TV, playing the computer, working at the desk, studying so that most people are due to lack of exercise so that the spine next to the muscle strength is not enough to the body skeleton of the spinal column is not enough to make the spinal column destabilized. To keep the spine upright, to rely on the support of the muscle tissue groups around the spine, these muscles do not have a moderate exercise, can not maintain due to the toughness and strength, but also unable to maintain the spine for a long time into the correct posture, even if deliberately to do can not last