380. the most commonly dead cast alloys have good flow characteristics science fair.
360 Excellent tension and turbulent pressure with high silicon content.
369 - high silicon content. Excellent resistance to corrosion, good fluidity and strength to increase temperature.
390 - very high silicon content, strength difficult high temperature machinability.
413 - very high silicon content, good fluidity, but poor quality launch.
It's an English translation I don't understand I don't know if it's of any use to you.360 Aluminum Alloys
360 is a good choice if resisting corrosion is an important factor. Although combined with Mar.Chem sheet powder coating and protection to provide great corrosion 360 will make resisting or touching the ground layer or exposure to spray salt and other corrosive environments special. The difficulty is that the poorer quality of 360 casting can lead to areas that are difficult to compensate for. It also has poorer thermal conductivity than other alloys, making high-performance heat more desirable.
380 Aluminum Alloy
380 alloy is a very commonly used. It has been the overwhelming choice for death blocks. It has excellent resistance to beating. It is characterized by less deadliness than the modified 384 alloy.
384 Aluminum Alloy
384 is a commonly used alloy for electronic covers, heat, hand tools, medical equipment, and aircraft components. The gas characteristics improve the overall improvement of cosmetics. Particularly important is the presence of wall or more complex details in the part design. It corrodes slightly less than 380.
413 Aluminum Alloy
413, once known as Alloy 13, is a choice for thermal conductivity that is better at straining pressure and especially resistant to corrosion. Because of all the deaths associated with the specific cast aluminum alloy heat, it is possible to improve thermal conductivity and heat. Its main drawback is the higher price, respectively machinability.
This reply was modified on May 30, 17:32 by the respondent