What are the methods of sterilization of surgical instruments

What are the methods of sterilization of surgical instruments

1, physical disinfection methods

The use of physical factors to kill or remove pathogenic microorganisms. Frequently used physical disinfection methods for the wet heat disinfection method, the use of higher temperature hot water (≥ 90 ° C) or steam as a disinfection medium, in the maintenance of the corresponding temperature and time under the conditions of the bacterial protein denaturation or coagulation, inactivity, metabolic disorders, so that the microbial death, the higher the humidity the denaturation of proteins and coagulation of the more rapid, the more effective in killing microorganisms. Bacterial propagules, viruses and fungi are sensitive to moist heat. Moist heat disinfection uses high temperature steam and hot water as disinfection medium, which has the advantages of safety, no toxic residue and environmental protection. The relevant provisions stipulate that physical disinfection methods should be preferred for moisture- and heat-resistant instruments, apparatus and articles.

2, chemical disinfection methods

The use of chemicals to kill pathogenic microorganisms. For instruments that do not tolerate heat and humidity, chemical disinfection methods can be used. Commonly used chemical disinfectants can be divided into high-efficiency, medium-effective, low-effective disinfectants. Because chemical disinfectants have a certain degree of corrosiveness to the instruments, the use of the need for careful selection, the choice of chemical disinfectants should be approved by the State Council administrative department of health health permit disinfectant or acidic oxidation potential water.

Knowledge Expansion

Surgical Instrument Disinfection with what disinfectant is better

Currently most of the hospitals commonly used disinfectant are the following two:

1, glutaraldehyde is a high-efficiency disinfectant .

This disinfectant has a wide bactericidal spectrum, reliable bacterial spore killing effect, bactericidal effect is less affected by the organic matter, small corrosive to the metal, etc., suitable for heat-resistant medical equipment and precision instruments disinfection and sterilization, especially endoscopy disinfection and sterilization. However, due to the potential toxicity of glutaraldehyde to the human body and irritation to the skin and mucous membranes, some people are now actively looking for its substitutes for the sterilization of endoscopes and other medical devices.

2, the new cleaner disinfectant

This disinfectant both bactericidal and descaling effectiveness, strong and fast action, no corrosion of metals, no contamination of clothing, stable, easy to store, is a disinfectant and antiseptic class of drugs. Diluted solution can be used for pre-surgical hand washing (0.05 ~ 0.1%, soak for 5 minutes), skin disinfection and mycobacterial infections (0.1%), mucous membrane disinfection (0.01 ~ 0.05%), disinfection of instruments (placed in a 0.1% solution boiled for 15 minutes and then immersed for 30 minutes), contraindicated with soap, salts, or other synthetic detergents used at the same time to avoid the use of aluminum containers, disinfection of metal instruments Need to add 0.5% sodium nitrite to prevent rust, should not be used for cystoscopy, ophthalmic instruments and synthetic rubber disinfection.